Monday, June 22, 2020

Patriot Nurse: "We Are Seeing A Communist Insurgency Built On Victimhood Narratives"

A reader recommends the following video from Patriot Nurse:

     In it, she discusses the fact that the BLM agenda is not about solutions, but instead manipulating and using a subset of the population to further the political aims and aspirations of others by metaphorically shaking the table of American society and government. As she states, "certain lives only matter in election years." Anyway, watch the whole thing.

     I had mentioned earlier that I believe the best response we can make to BLM's and Antifa's provocations is a studied indifference. The opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference. Hatred requires an emotional investment. Leftists want people to become emotionally invested, either to join them in burning it all down or violently opposing them. My personal belief is that the social unrest we saw during the Obama Administration and are now seeing is a reaction to the fact that the country had become truly color blind--at least as far as the crime statistics would allow us--and the left would rather have us hate blacks than to cease caring if someone was black or white.

     Thus, they want us to become emotionally caught up in the moment. Don't. Stop caring about them and their causes. Don't acknowledge their "victim status" or allow yourself to care about or sympathize with their faux issues.

      If you get waylaid by a family member or co-worker wanting to pin you down on whether you believe "Black Lives Matter" don't attempt to argue or reason with them.  “Never argue with an idiot," said Mark Twain, "They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” Rather, you will have to communicate to them that you will not engage in political dialogue with them because you don't care about them or their opinions. Thus, don't apologize or admit you've done anything wrong (you are not responsible for what someone did 100 or 200 years ago). Don't admit something that can be used against you later. Don't say "all lives matter," because that suggests that you have thought about the issue enough to care about some response. Instead show that they and their issues don't concern you. "I can't talk right now" "I'm busy, what do you want?" "Why are you bothering me?" "I don't have time to talk." "Why are you wasting my time?"

       Studied indifference doesn't mean that you truly don't care, because you definitely will care if their policies are implemented, they start to loot you neighborhood, get you fired from your job, etc. You will have to harden your heart. You will have to be committed to not advancing their causes or assisting or allowing them to advance their causes. You will have to take the position--even if you don't vocalize it--that your life, the lives of your children, and your culture matter.

       If you are in a position to vet new employees or make hiring decisions, don't hire leftists. (It helps if you understand that hiring a leftist is hiring a law suit.) Document the deficiencies of leftist employees and write up honest evaluations--don't sugar coat their performance problems because you feel sorry for them or like them. (You should be doing this for all employees anyway; but since leftists are inherently childish, they will always have performance problems). Don't let leftists get into positions where they can make hiring decisions because they don't care about merit and will actively work to hire like minded people to fill up positions in a company or government even if it means hiring unqualified or incompetent employees.

     Don't vote Democrat.  Don't vote for RHINOs during the primaries.

     Vote with your pocket book. That means not donating to charities that support leftist causes and not purchasing from leftist businesses (e.g., I used to love Ben's and Jerry's ice cream, but I haven't purchased any since they first started vocalizing their opposition to the Second Amendment).  It may mean moving from leftist controlled cities or states.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reposting the video. Your personal annotations below it are very worthwhile as well.


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