Tuesday, December 27, 2022

VIDEO: "Don't Carry a Trauma Kit"


VIDEO: "Don't Carry a Trauma Kit"--The Armed Attorneys (11 min.)

They believe it is probably fine to carry one in a range bag (in the event of an accident at the shooting range, for instance) or in a vehicle (since it can be used to treat for injuries resulting from an auto accident), but not to carry one on your person. Essentially, they argue that having a trauma kit could be used against you by a "creative" prosecutor: e.g., using one to assist an attacker you just shot could be used as evidence of consciousness of guilt (i.e., you know you did something wrong and now you are trying to make it right); merely having one could be used as evidence that you intended or hoped to get into a confrontation; or if you have one but didn't use it on the wounded attacker, a prosecutor might try to use it as evidence that you wanted the person to die. I, myself, would wonder why someone would be willing to approach and render aid to someone that supposedly just a moment before had placed them in fear of imminent bodily harm or death.


  1. "I'm not carrying it to use on someone else, I want it with me in case I need it..."


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