Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Way Things Work

When I wrote my post on a Library for the End of Civilization a couple weeks ago, I cited a 1972, 2-volume publication called How Things Work: The Universal Encyclopedia of Machines, and noted that Simon & Schuster published the first volume under the name The Way Things Work. I was wrong: Simon & Schuster had published both volumes, and they are available to download free of charge from the Internet Archive.


  1. Replies
    1. They are interesting books. The same site also has an Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, and an Encyclopedia of How Products Are Made.

  2. ABEBooks has them for under $5.00 if you want to have a copy after the Internet dies or EMP or whatever technology issue may come up. I believe in paper - can you still read that Betamax tape or that 8 inch CP/M disk? Paper always works if you can keep it dry and not on fire!


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