Monday, June 1, 2015

The Consequences of Sin--Higher STD Rates

We are currently reading Job in our family scripture reading, which, of course, raises questions between being good or bad, and the consequences. My oldest son asked me the other day if there are any immediate consequences for sin. Among a few examples, I noted STDs. So, it was interesting to see this press release from Rhode Island on increasing STD rates.
In Rhode Island, from 2013 to 2014:
• The number of infectious syphilis cases increased by 79%. • The number of gonorrhea cases increased by 30%. • The number of newly-identified HIV cases increased by nearly 33%. • New cases of HIV/AIDS and infectious syphilis continued to increase among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men at a faster rate than in other populations. • Infection rates of all STDs continued to have a greater impact on the African-American, Hispanic, and young adult populations.

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The recent uptick in STDs in Rhode Island follows a national trend. The increase has been attributed to better testing by providers and to high-risk behaviors that have become more common in recent years. High-risk behaviors include using social media to arrange casual and often anonymous sexual encounters, having sex without a condom, having multiple sex partners, and having sex while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Doing stupid things, in stupid places, with stupid people....

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