Thursday, November 21, 2013

Venezuela--Down the Road to Serfdom

Reminds me of Nazi Germany. From Yahoo News:

Venezuelan lawmakers granted President Nicolas Maduro yearlong decree powers on Tuesday that he says are essential to regulate the economy and stamp out corruption but adversaries view as a power grab.
Hundreds of supporters of the ruling Socialist Party cheered outside the National Assembly as the so-called Enabling Law was passed, while a recording of Maduro's late predecessor, Hugo Chavez, singing Venezuela's anthem rang out inside the hall. 
The power to pass laws without congressional approval gives Maduro a political victory in the run-up to December 8 municipal elections, although he still faces a severely distorted economy with embarrassing product shortages and inflation surging to nearly 55 percent.
"I want to thank the majority of patriotic and socialist lawmakers for approving this law that will let us advance, over the next 12 months, in defeating the economic war being waged against our people," Maduro said.
"Tonight has been a victory for the people! ... Who says the revolution is over?" he added, flanked by ministers, to applause from a crowd outside the Miraflores presidential palace.
 His first two planned laws have to do with limiting the amount of profit businesses can earn, and his second will further create a board to oversee currency exchanges and sales.

And there is this justification: "'He told us to pass all the laws necessary to wring the necks of the speculators and money launderers,' Cabello said."

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