Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Role of the Rifle After The SHTF

FerFal discusses the role of the rifle for preppers. He states, and I agree, that the primary weapon for a prepper should generally be the handgun simply because it is the firearm you are most likely to be carrying. The rifle is secondary--a backup for special situation--although I know that some people rely on rifles (or shotguns) for their go-to home defense weapon.

While you are at it, FerFal also recently published a post discussing the truth about the 2001 financial meltdown in Argentina. He emphasizes (as he did in his book) that even with the financial crash, cash was king--not gold, not food, not other trading goods--but cash. However, I would note that financial and economic turmoil can lead to food shortages. For instance, following the Russian revolution and in 1920's Germany, there were food shortages, and selling food was a good way to make cash. (A rather macabre example of this is Fritz Haarmann, a German serial killer, who is believed to have sold "meat" from his victims on the black market).

1 comment:

  1. "...Fritz Haarmann, a German serial killer, who is believed to have sold 'meat' from his victims on the black market."

    Hmmm, long pork... The other other white meat.


Did We Win The Cultural War?

Rudyard Lynch of Whatifalthist has a new video up in which he discusses many of the reasons that the Left has failed and why he thinks that ...