Monday, January 28, 2013

Constitution to Hang by a Thread

Joseph Smith is widely reported by Brigham Young and other early Church leaders as having prophesied that a day would come when the Constitution would be torn up by the people of this nation and, as it were, hang by a thread; but that the Elders of the Church would become "a balance of power" with others to preserve the Constitution. (See here and here).

The Constitution has long been under attack, but, until now, even those opposed to the Constitution have at least paid lip service to the document. No longer. Breitbart reports on a CBS News interview with Georgetown law professor Louis Michael Seidman suggesting that the United States ought to abandon the Constitution (Note: video automatically begins to play). From the article:
From Georgetown law professor Louis Michael Seidman:

I've got a simple idea: Let's give up on the Constitution. I know, it sounds radical, but it's really not. Constitutional disobedience is as American as apple pie. ...

To be clear, I don't think we should give up on everything in the Constitution. The Constitution has many important and inspiring provisions, but we should obey these because they are important and inspiring, not because a bunch of people who are now long-dead favored them two centuries ago. ...

...This is our country. We live in it, and we have a right to the kind of country we want. We would not allow the French or the United Nations to rule us, and neither should we allow people who died over two centuries ago and knew nothing of our country as it exists today. If we are to take back our own country, we have to start making decisions for ourselves, and stop deferring to an ancient and outdated document.

1 comment:

  1. Rush Limbaugh, responding to the Supreme Court holding Obamacare constitutional last June, said the Constitution was hanging by a thread, and that the outcome of the election would determine whether or not things continued to unravel: "It's the Constitution that's hanging by a thread and all the rest of us with it." (

    As we know, Obama was reelected, and things are continuing to unravel.


Did We Win The Cultural War?

Rudyard Lynch of Whatifalthist has a new video up in which he discusses many of the reasons that the Left has failed and why he thinks that ...