Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Disaster Preparation

Christ posed the question: "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36. I would like to paraphrase this question to address an issue often overlooked by preppers: "What shall it profit a man if he stored up food, water and supplies to survive the aftermath of a disaster, if he loses his life in a disaster?"

We know from the scriptures that earthquakes will figure prominently in the time leading up to the second coming.
Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
Luke 10:10 - 11. (Some Bible commentators suggest that these verses, as well as the similar verses in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 are limited to the apostolic period prior to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. Luke places these events after the time of the persecution of the apostles. See Luke 21:12. Since some of the apostles lived after the destruction of Jerusalem, this would indicate a later date. The Joseph Smith Translation of Matthew is also very clear that this was a sign to proceed the second coming, not the "abomination of desolation" of 70 A.D. See JST Matt. 1:29. In addition, the prophecy of earthquakes also includes wars between nations and kingdoms, pestilences and famines. While there certainly were plenty of earthquakes in the years proceeding the destruction of Jerusalem, it is more problematic to identify the what wars erupted between the kingdoms and nations of the Roman Empire. That alone should indicate that these verses apply especially to the last days.)

Even without reference to end-time prophecy, the fact is that earthquakes, tsunamis, wild fires, floods, etc., can occur at most anytime and most anywhere. Thus, it behooves us to learn the basics of what to do in the event of common disasters. I don't hold myself out as an expert at such things, but I would like to point readers to resources on the web that have instructions, tips, and guidelines for surviving various types of disasters and emergencies.

One of the most useful references for earthquakes has been prepared by the Los Angeles Fire Department. This is a 40-page PDF that covers details about not only what you should do in the event of earthquake, but also what preparations to make to prevent furniture or appliances falling over; food and water; shutting off gas lines; first-aid; and many other topics.

FEMA has also put together disaster preparedness information at their "Are You Ready?" website. This site includes links to preparedness videos, links to articles, and a comprehensive book on how to prepare for and survive various natural disasters, what they term "technological disasters" (such as chemical spills, nuclear disasters, and so on), and terrorist attacks. FEMA and the Red Cross have also put together a preparedness checklist you can download as a PDF. Another federal resource with tips for the handicapped, people with pets, and military families, can be found here.

And, of course, the Red Cross has lots of useful information on preparing for various disasters, including those at the FEMA site, as well as information on blackouts, H1N1, winter storms, and so on.

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