Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Ever Edging Toward Civil War II

From The Hill: "Rasmussen poll: 28 percent of Democrats say it should be illegal to belong to NRA." The same poll found that "32 percent of Democrats favor declaring the NRA a terrorist organization in their home communities." There are a lot of people out there that simply cannot abide anything but socialism.


  1. My terrorism is speech, and your speech is terrorism. Carry on.

  2. Meanwhile, 99% of NRA members feel like chumps after donating $275,000 to Wayne Lapierre's personal wardrobe...and another $240,000 on personal trips to Italy, Hungary and the Bahamas.


The Conviction of Trump And What It Means

As you all know, former President Trump was found guilty yesterday of 34 criminal charges of falsifying business records. From a procedural ...