Sunday, October 27, 2019

They Never Thought Hillary Would Lose

The Bookworm Room blog has a good article discussing how the Deep State bureaucrats are getting more careless in their lies as they begin to panic over the investigation on how the Russian Collusion tale got started. And he provides a succinct summary of how we got to where we are:
      Here’s what really happened: The Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a joint statement saying they were confident that the attacks on the DNC and other sites came from Russia. It was an official statement from the top of a combination of 16 agencies (plus the DNI). These 16 agencies are:

  • Air Force Intelligence
  • Army Intelligence
  • CIA
  • Coast Guard Intelligence
  • Defense Intelligence Agency
  • Office of Intelligence and Counter Intelligence for Energy Affairs
  • Office of Intelligence and Analysis
  • Bureau of Intelligence and Research
  • Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence out of the Treasure Department
  • Office of National Security Intelligence
  • The Intelligence Branch of the Justice Department
  • The Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
  • The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
  • National Reconnaissance Office
  • The National Security Agency/Central Security Service
  • Office of Naval Intelligence
No one can tell me that the Coast Guard or the Navy or the National Reconnaissance Office or the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency were looking into the hacked DNC server. And, indeed, you don’t have to try spinning those lies to me.

      That’s because we know what happened. The FBI showed up at the DNC and asked to look at the hacked server. The DNC refused, telling the FBI that a private company called Crowdstrike had looked at the server and fingered Russia — and that the FBI would have to live with that. The FBI, usually so zealous about protecting its territory, meekly acquiesced.

       Crowdstrike, of course, has Ukraine ties, which is why President Trump, when talking to Zelenskyy, the new President of Ukraine, about the incredibly corrupt administration before Zelenksyy came on board, asked for Ukraine to look into Crowdstrike to help determine its connection to the claimed Russian collusion issue that roiled the Dems for three years. In other words, Trump is doing the work the FBI never did but lied about, and that the intelligence community lied about, and that Hillary then exaggerated and lied about, and that Wendy Sherman now lies about.
Oh, and he predicts that Michelle Obama will likely be the "white knight" that will ultimately run against President Trump.


News From Wakanda: Monkey Pox Outbreak

U.S. News and World Report relates that " Spread of Deadlier Mpox Strain in Africa Has CDC Concerned ." The article warns that &qu...