Sunday, June 23, 2024

My Theory: Biden's Blunders And Frailties Are In Preparation For The Debates

 My theory on why we have seen more fumbles, bumbles, and tumbles from Biden lately is that his handlers have had to ween him off his drugs so that they are more effective when they administer them just before the debate. I suspect that Biden will come across as more cognizant and forceful at the debate.


  1. Yes. He will be sharper than anyone expects. Still bad, but they're lowering the hurdle.

    1. Biden's stumbles and falls and word salads are either not covered by the MSM or spun as fake/doctored video, so the majority of voters will only see him at the debate. Hopefully Biden's famous temper gets the better of him and he goes into a full on temper tantrum.

  2. All of which transforms the President of the United States from the "consistently wise and judicious statesman" the Constitution presumes to the category of "chemically-operated windup toy."

    I wonder if they have a smorgasbord of witches' brews for various circumstances: Chem Mixture A for political appearances, B for debates, C for international conferences, etc. Which one for "war with China," and is there dosage specs for that "3AM phone call"? Injections, pills or a patch?

    1. Too bad they don't have one that stops him from sniffing little girls' hair.


Weekend Reading

Last week, I had mentioned Jon Low's September 15, 2024, newsletter in my post " The Future Of Self-Defense May Involve Defense A...