Wednesday, June 19, 2024

And Some Cultural Enrichment In The U.S.

 From the Daily Mail: "Bloodied Uber driver appears in court covered in bruises after being battered by furious father 'who caught him raping his drunk daughter in car'." The article explains:

    Ahmed Ali, 58, had injuries to his face and bandages on both hands as he appeared in a Washington state courtroom on Monday. 

    A father-of-five himself, Ali is accused of kidnapping a woman who he picked up from a bar when she was too drunk to return home alone on Saturday night. 

    Police say that instead of driving her home, Ali took her to a secluded location close to the Nisqually River in Olympia, where he sexually assaulted her in the back of the car.

    Before allegedly launching the attack, Ali manipulated the Uber app to indicate that the drop-off had been completed. 

    He was caught out by the alleged victim's father, who had grown worried waiting for his daughter to return home so tracked her phone to the riverside location. 

    Along with other relatives, he searched for her and found her naked in the backseat of Ali's car. The driver hurriedly pulled up his pants and scrambled into the front of the car. 

    The victim's furious relatives responded by attacking Ali, and two shots were fired. Badly injured, Ali tried to run away, but he was later detained by authorities. 

 And, of course, Ali's "family and neighbors turned out en masse to support him in the courtroom on Monday." 


Weekend Reading

Last week, I had mentioned Jon Low's September 15, 2024, newsletter in my post " The Future Of Self-Defense May Involve Defense A...