Monday, November 20, 2023

Jon Low's Latest Defensive Pistolcraft Newsletter

 Jon Low's has a new newsletter up as of November 15, 2023. He begins:

    This morning on the drive in to work, I heard the radio news reporting that a young lady, Jillian Ludwig, Belmont College student recently graduated from a New Jersey high school, had been murdered by a known criminal with a long violent record.  The parents of the girl were outraged because the criminal had been recently released after being arrested for an aggravated assault.  The prosecutor said that they could not prosecute the criminal because he was not mentally competent to stand trial.  The "medical professionals" who evaluated the criminal said that he did not meet the standard for involuntary commitment.  So the Sheriff released him.  He then killed the college student, the young lady, Jillian Ludwig.  

     Your government is not going to protect you.  Your government is going to protect the rights and feelings of the criminals.  

     Many countries such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia don't have repeat offenders.  In Saudi, all cases adjudicated in the previous week [not year or decade] are resolved by beheading in the city square on Friday.  Every Friday.  Visitors and foreigners are invited.  There is no car theft in Saudi.  Amputation of the right hand is a deterrent. There are no carjackings in Saudi.  Beheading is a deterrent.  

     The subjects (not citizens) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are safe in their persons and homes.  It's not just a feeling; it's real safety.  Because their government cares for them.  The King feels a God given duty to protect his people.  Our Founding Fathers felt that duty.  Our political leaders now days, not so much.  But, you feel the duty.  TO SERVE AND PROTECT.  You can't accomplish that by gentle words.  It requires joint breaking, eye gouging, shooting, and such.  Because the government won't do it for you.  Welcome to reality.  

I think that our biggest problem is a failure of leadership. Our leaders (and the elite class generally) care more about foreigners than they do Americans. They care more about virtue signaling to each other than doing the right thing. They are greedy, narcissistic, puerile, and decadent. This failure of leadership is everywhere: government, industry, finance, and, yes, even our churches. And I'm not just pointing fingers at other religions, because I see it in my own church.

    Anyway, moving on, some additional points I found interesting in Jon's newsletter:

  • The Tactical Professor recently published an article about "tend to your own business," relating how he witnessed a low life criminal teaching his (the criminal's) son how to vandalize a store. Werner said something and received a verbal threat. A complaint to the store manager led to the store manager stating that he wasn't going to do anything and, so, Werner left the store. Jon writes about this:

While I admit that the advice is correct from a safety perspective.  It is also disheartening that we should surrender our society to the criminals.  To witness scum bag criminals teaching their juvenile children to commit crime is bad.  Having to walk away from the store where you were shopping because the store management and security are too cowardly (fear of getting sued, fear of being called a racist, fear of being looted by Black Lives Matter, etc.) to do anything is worse.  And worst of all is the child abuse of teaching a child to be a criminal.  Which ensures the child's incarceration and eventual death at the hands of other criminals or law enforcement officers.  

This is where toleration has brought us. 

  • Jon has a lot of information on church security--links to classes, advice on selecting people for a church security team, and a lot more if you are interested. Unlike certain churches I won't name that only want current law enforcement for when they even bother with security, Jon, while recognizing the advantages to using law enforcement officers, suggests that "[f]or a comprehensive and effective security team, it’s important to consider individuals from a variety of backgrounds." If this interests you, don't forget to check out the link near the bottom of the newsletter on "FBI Messaging About Coming War and How To Protect Your Church" by Christian Warrior Training.
  • Jon includes an email from Gabe Suarez on why we should aim to shoot someone in the face (or head/neck) rather than center-of-mass on the torso:

      1) Human beings are bigger and stronger today than at any other time in history due to advanced nutrition, the social prevalence of weight lifting and the popularity of contact and martial sports.  Any casual perusal of military museums will reveal that the average male was much smaller as close as a couple of generations ago.  

     2) The prevalence of tactical pharmacology, both legal and illegal is far more common and refined today than in the past.  Substances from methamphetamines and cocaine to excessive HGH and similar substances give rise to mental attitudes of invincibility.  

     3) Proliferation of body armor.  While ammunition has progressed dramatically in the last decade, so has the availability of protection from that ammunition.  Today the technology of body armor has developed to the point that even an assault rifle may be defeated.  Armor has always been common, and even back in 1991, one of my gunfights involved armored suspects.  

     4) Finally, the reality of today shows that the adversary might be a Jihadist, or other terrorist, and not just the uneducated urban sloth seeking to take your watch at point of stolen pistol.  At the time of this writing, ISIS is exhorting its followers around the world to carry the jihad to every western shore.  As well, any cursory study of Active Shooter events around the nation reveals that in a great percentage, there are explosives on or near the terrorist, ready to be detonated when capture or defeat is at hand.  

     Group all of those elements and the only valid conclusion and solution is to get really good at proactive head shots. ...

Gabe's email goes on to discuss the best areas to shoot, why the pelvic girdle shot is a poor second choice, and more, so be sure to read the whole thing. I will note that there are thick bones on the skull that can deflect or even stop pistol bullets given low power and/or the angle of the strike, so be sure to use something with enough power to punch through the heavier bone. Back in my college days, I read of an incident in Salt Lake City where a homeless guy shot a man in the face with a .25 ACP. Fortunately for the victim, he was struck in the cheek bone and only suffered an inconsequential injury. Conversely, I read an account of a criminal who, while not killed, was definitely stopped when his erstwhile victim shot him in the throat with a .22 derringer. 

  • Back Off Dog Repellent. Jon discusses and provides a link to purchase. Might be a good alternative to pepper spray.
  • For the math and engineering geeks, Jon has a lot on cryptography in this issue. 
  • "Marine Corps Command in Charge of Middle East Cancels Annual Ball Due to 'Unforeseen Operational Commitments' " Something to think about.
A lot more, so be sure to read the whole thing.

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