Monday, July 8, 2024

Barak Obama As Vice-President?

I've been very suspicious of why the early setting of the Biden-Trump debate. Almost anyone that has followed conservative news sites and conservative pundits has long been aware of Biden's cognitive decline. Rank and file liberals were not. In fact, even just days before the debate liberal media was calling videos showing Biden's mental and physical struggles "cheap fakes" in an attempt to discredit conservative talking points. The debate seem intended to showcase Biden's mental deterioration to the rank and file liberals. 

    But why do this now? As I've pointed out before, I think there is an on-going fight among two or more factions within the Democrat Party and Deep State that seems to have coalesced around Biden for the moment, so it is not unlikely that one or more factions was willing to sabotage Biden. It's also possible that Biden's deteriorating health had become so bad that it would have been impossible to keep it covered up in the remaining months before the election, so there was a decision made at some level to just get it over with to allow time for someone else to step in.

    But if Biden was to be discredited now, to what end? The obvious answer would have been to force a shakeup of the presidential election: either to force Biden out to make room for someone else as the presidential candidate; or force Biden to replace Kamala Harris with a different running mate that could carry him over the line and replace him when he inevitably forced to step down. 

    Kamala Harris seems an obvious choice because if Biden resigned as President, Harris would replace him as President and inherit Biden's campaign war chest. While I'm sure that her ambitions include the Presidency, she must know that she is extremely unpopular--so unpopular that the Democrats' cheating apparatus might still not be enough to put her over the finish line in an election. Her safest bet would have been to keep going with the coverup and let Biden win the election knowing that she would replace him after the inauguration. 

    But what if Biden simply withdrew as a Presidential candidate, but served out his term as President? I will freely admit that I do not know enough about campaign laws and the rules of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) to say whether Harris could stay on as a presidential candidate or not; or whether she would inherit his delegates. But she still faces the problem I outlines above: she is so unpopular that she might not be a viable candidate.

    The only hope that a Kamala Harris campaign would have is to bring on as a vice-presidential candidate someone so popular that he or she could carry Harris across the finish line. (As an example, think of the jump in popular support that John McCain experienced after selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate, and how his fortunes fell after his staff started sabotaging her). 

    Another possibility is that Biden replaces Harris with someone that can carry him across the finish line despite his dementia. Essentially someone that could bring in votes because the voters would know that, in truth, they were voting for the vice-president to be the next President, not Biden. Biden could then finish off his term and leave office with some sort of dignity. 

    But who would be this vice-presidential candidate that would ride in on a white horse? While the Democrat midwits bandy about names such as Gretchen Whitmer (the Covid Queen) or Gavin Newsom (the Covid King), I doubt that they have the clout to get either Biden or Harris across the finish line in November or win the election on their own (although there is the cheating to consider). Michelle Obama is a possibility as she is immensely popular with Democrats, but she so far has expressed no interest in running for any type of office. 

    No, the answer, I believe, would be Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro).

    I mentioned the possibility of Barack as a vice-presidential candidate in the podcast from this past week, but subsequently saw an article published by the Washington Examiner discussing this same possibility: "Biden-Obama is ‘Plan C’ ticket". The article offers up the possibility that Barack could replace Harris on the ticket. 

    The primary objection to such a plan is whether Barack could serve as vice-president because he had already served two terms as president, which would seem to disqualify him under the 22nd Amendment as succeeding Biden as president if Biden stepped down or died while in office. But not so fast says one Constitutional scholar:

    “The 22nd Amendment, which is most frequently cited as a bar to Barack Obama ever serving as president again, doesn’t — according to its carefully crafted and very narrow exclusionary language,” Banzhaf said.

    The key sentence in the amendment says, “No person shall be elected to the office of the president more than twice, and no person who has held the office of the president, or acted as president, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected president shall be elected to the office of the president more than once.”

    Banzhaf said “while this amendment may bar Obama from ‘being elected’ to the office of president again, it obviously and by its clear language doesn’t prohibit him from being elected as vice president, and subsequently becoming president by succession without ever being elected to the office again.”

     I don't believe that Obama would agree to serve as a vice-president under Harris because it is unlikely he would ever be president again. But Biden is a different matter: Obama would be sure to become president again if he were Biden's running mate. 

    But I guess we will have to see how things shake out in the coming days and weeks. 

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  1. Another option would be a Barry - Big Mike ticket, with Barry as VP. At least Big Mike meets the natural-born-citizen requirement.

    1. That would be quite the upset at the convention, but the Commies would eat it up.

  2. Replies
    1. Two terms was not quite enough to destroy America.


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