Thursday, March 21, 2024

Muslims Enrich French Cemeteries

From the Christian Post: "'Submit to Allah': French villagers horrified by vandalism of 58 graves, church with Islamist slogans." An excerpt:

    Villagers at a cemetery in Dordogne Department in southwest France were horrified that vandals painted Islamist slogans in French and Arabic on 58 graves, a church door, a World War I memorial and tomb art depicting the crucifixion.  

    The defacement happened overnight in Clermont d’Excideuil between March 10 and March 11. 

    A local church building near the cemetery had “Ramadan Mubarak” (“Blessed Ramadan”) daubed on its doors. Slogans within the cemetery included, “Submit yourselves to Allah,” “Happy Ramadan non-Muslims” and “Koufars,” meaning “unbelievers.” One of the grave slogans read, “France is already Allah’s,” according to British newspaper the Daily Mail.

    Clermont d’Excideuil Mayor Claude Eymery discovered the vandalism on the morning of March 11 and contacted police. He told FranceInfo that he thought such incidents “only happened elsewhere.” 

Oh to laugh. That's sort of like the hand complaining that it thought leprosy only happened to the feet or legs. Once the infection starts to spread, it will spread everywhere.

    The article also adds:

France has seen a rise in anti-Christian hate crimes with Islamist motives in recent years, according to Anja Hoffmann, executive director of the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe (OIDACE). She said similar graffiti was recently found in the Dordogne region, including, “Today this is the land of gwer [infidels]. Tomorrow this will be the land of Islam.”

    The article indicates that the French Gendarmerie have opened an investigation, but I can almost guarantee you that the incident will be treated as a case of vandalism instead of the terrorism it is. Terrorism doesn't just have to be about bombs or shootings. Most often it takes the form of intimidation, like this incident. 

    I would also point out that this would never have been tolerated in the past. In more civilized times, such terrorism would have been responded to with even greater terror to remind the aliens exactly in whose country they were being allowed to live. 


  1. I wonder if the police will put any real effort into finding and prosecuting the Mohammedans responsible for the vandalism. Don't want to make the Mohammedans mad.

    1. They won't. It'll be for various reasons from "it's just some kids" to "we don't want to anger the Muslims" to some that probably support the Islamic invasion.


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