Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Tucker Predicts Hot War To Rig Election

Tucker Carlson predicts that instead of a repeat of Covid to rig the 2024 election, the elites will instead rely on a hot war with Russia to assume war powers in order to rig the election.

Anything Goes (4 min.)


  1. I heard another knowledgeable source claim that another rigged election would result in a "hot war" domestically. Aka a "civil war." TPTB might want to consider such unintended consequences of the plan which Tucker Carlson outlined here.

    1. If there were to be a war, it would allow the government to suspend all sorts of civil rights just as we saw in the Civil War, World War I, and World War II, while wrapping themselves in the flag. The elites could just round up everyone they don't like in the name of national security while the public cheer them on.

  2. They will do anything, anything to avoid Trump.


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