Monday, August 14, 2023

Immigration is a Strength: Secret Chinese Biolab

Back in April 2023, Code Enforcement officers for Reedley, California (near Fresno), uncovered a secret bio-lab run by a shady Chinese Company. "The lab, which was supposed to be an empty building, was discovered by Reedley city code enforcement officers when they saw a garden hose attached to the building and investigated," reported the California Globe. The article adds:

    City of Reedley officials called in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the FBI, the State Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), the State Department of Health, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the Fresno County Department of Public Health (FCDPH).

    “Reedley officials and personnel from CDPH and FCDPH executed a warrant on March 16 to inspect the warehouse at 850 I Street,” MidValley Times reported. “According to a declaration from Humero Prado, Assistant Director of Fresno County Public Health, which was filed in superior court, investigators discovered that one room of the warehouse was used to produce COVID-19 and pregnancy tests. In other rooms, investigators found blood, tissue and other bodily fluid samples. They also found thousands of vials that contained unlabeled fluids.”

    And they found 900 genetically engineered mice, engineered to catch and carry COVID-19, living in “inhumane” conditions. 773 of the mice had to be euthanized, and officials found another 178 mice already dead.

The article also notes that "the CDC found potentially infectious agents at the location. These included both bacterial and viral agents, including: chlamydia, E. Coli, streptococcus pneumonia, hepatitis B and C, herpes 1 and 5 and rubella. The CDC also found samples of malaria." 

    The Company that operated the facility was Prestige Biotech, apparently owned and operated by a man named Wang Zhaolin. As David Strom notes in an article at Hot Air (underline added):

    ... this was a hidden lab piled with chemicals, boxes, refrigerators with chemicals and 20 deadly viruses, and genetically engineered mice that had been bred to catch and spread human viruses like COVID-19. It was in an ostensibly abandoned warehouse, and when the inspectors showed up the lab equipment had been hastily turned off before whoever was working there disappeared.

    The power was off, but the freezers were still cold. People disappeared quickly, leaving behind a lot of documents in Chinese and a “President” who is available only by email from China. The president claimed the lab was merely storing defunct equipment, but there were live genetically engineered mice and the viruses stored in freezers.

 Gordan Chang, at the Gate Stone Institute, adds:

    The lab was supposed to be producing COVID-19 and pregnancy tests, but the facility contained items inconsistent with that explanation. The seizures at the lab strongly suggest China's regime is preparing to spread diseases in America, undoubtedly in the months before a war.

    "This kamikaze lab—unsecured, poorly contained, makeshift, containing a couple dozen pathogens near a population center—cannot be a one-off," Brandon Weichert, author of Biohacked: China's Race to Control Life, told Gatestone. "It is, I believe, a part of a large Chinese military operation to spread disease throughout the American population."

    "The idea, apparently, is to inhibit Washington's response to a Chinese attack in Asia," said Weichert. "The lab near Fresno, I think, is just the first to be discovered. There must be many more Fresnos out there."

    In all probability, it is from locations like this one where China will "fire the first shot" in the next war.

    That means the party running the lab—Xiuquin Yao, the president of Prestige BioTech—should not be tried in either the federal or California judicial system. Yao should be sent straight to Guantanamo Bay detention camp, where America houses those waging war against it.

Lest you think this extreme, the author points out: 

    General Chi Haotian, when he was China's defense minister two decades ago, reportedly gave a secret speech advocating the extermination, by disease, of Americans. His plan was to clear out the hills, plains, and valleys of North America so that the Chinese people could settle in the vast spaces left uninhabited.

    Since then, the mass murder of Americans has been a popular theme in Chinese society. The Communist Party, which tightly controls discourse in the People's Republic of China, permits and even encourages incitement to kill Americans. "We are ahead of schedule in terms of overtaking the United States," said prominent Chinese sociologist Li Yi in a public speech in late 2020, after talking about the devastation caused by COVID-19 to America. "There will be no problem reaching this goal in 2027. The U.S. will not survive." Then he added this, to make clear he was not merely making a prediction: "As long as we go to work every day, we will drive the U.S. to its death."

    "The problem with the report of the Chi Haotian speech is that it cannot be verified," Richard Fisher of the International Assessment and Strategy Center told this author. "When it was revealed in 2005, it seemed fantastical that China would unleash biological warfare against the United States to massacre its population and pave the way for a Communist Party invasion, occupation, and exploitation."

    Fisher points out Chinese "actions have given that report increasing credibility." He notes that the 2002 outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) may have been the result of a leak from a Chinese biological warfare laboratory and the COVID-19 pandemic almost certainly originated from such a facility, the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Therefore, "the Chi Haotian speech reads more like a real warning."

    Finally, as is usual with our elites, they were metaphorically selling the Chinese the rope with which to hang ourselves. From Strom's article:

    The latest twist to all this is that the company that originally owned the equipment before it was acquired by the current “owner,” Prestige Biotech, was named Universal Meditech, and Universal Meditech was subsidized by Gavin Newsom’s Office of Business and Economic Development.

    Universal Meditech’s ostensible business was to develop tests for diseases, and at one point they were supposedly developing one for COVID-19. The company went out of business when its original lab burned down and Prestige Biotech acquired the equipment as a creditor.

Strom continues:

    No doubt Newsom’s office was simply tossing money around for “economic development” and had no idea of the shady business going on, but then again…they had no idea what shady business was going on, and apparently accidentally helped fund an illegal Chinese biolab.

    You would think somebody keeps track of such things, and you would be wrong. Nobody actually cares about what the government funds, only that it toss lots of green around.

And, frankly, that explains much of what the government does, including the adoption of a 6.8 mm rifle round that doesn't offer any advantages over the 7.62 NATO.


    National Institutes of Health scientists raked in more than $325 million in royalties from Chinese and Russian entities — as well as pharmaceutical companies — over more than a decade, according to a new report.

    Former NIH director Dr. Francis Collins and former National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Anthony Fauci were among the thousands of government whitecoats who took the cash between September 2009 and October 2020, the taxpayer watchdog revealed on Wednesday.

    Several of those royalties came from companies that in turn received federal contracts and grants, prompting concerns about conflicts of interest.


    Unredacted documents obtained by the group through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) show at least 34 Chinese companies are licensing NIH technologies initially funded by US taxpayers.

    Some of those licensing fees came from the Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co. Ltd., a subsidiary of the Chinese government-owned pharmaceutical company Sinopharm, which produced a COVID-19 vaccine.

    Two U.S. Navy sailors were charged Thursday with providing sensitive military information to China — including details on wartime exercises, naval operations and critical technical material.

    The two sailors, both based in California, were charged with similar moves to provide sensitive intelligence to the Chinese. But they were separate cases, and it wasn’t clear if the two were courted or paid by the same Chinese intelligence officer as part of a larger scheme. Federal officials at a news conference in San Diego declined to specify whether there is any tie between the cases.

Buried deep in the article we finally learn that both are Chinese nationals:

    Jinchao Wei, a 22-year-old sailor assigned to the San Diego-based USS Essex, was arrested Wednesday while boarding the ship. He is accused of providing detailed information on the weapons systems and aircraft aboard the Essex and other amphibious assault ships that act as small aircraft carriers.

    Prosecutors said Wei, who was born in China, was approached by a Chinese intelligence officer in February 2022 while he was applying to become a naturalized U.S. citizen, and admitted to the officer that he knew the arrangement could affect his application. Even so, at the officer’s request, Wei provided photographs and videos of Navy ships, including the USS Essex, which can carry an array of helicopters, according to an indictment unsealed Thursday.

    The indictment alleges Wei included as many as 50 manuals containing technical and mechanical data about Navy ships as well as details about the number and training of Marines during an upcoming exercise.

    Wei continued to send sensitive information multiple times over the course of a year and even was congratulated by the Chinese officer once Wei became a U.S. citizen, said U.S. Attorney Randy Grossman for the Southern District of California. He added that whether for greed or some other reason, Wei “chose to turn his back on his newly adopted country.”

    The Justice Department charged Wei under a rarely-used Espionage Act statute that makes it a crime to gather or deliver information to aid a foreign government.

    After pleading not guilty in San Diego, Wei was assigned a new public defender who declined to comment following the hearing. Wei did not visibly react when read the charges.

    Assistant U.S. Attorney Fred Sheppard told the judge that Wei had passed information to Chinese intelligence as recently as two days ago. He said Wei, who also went by the name Patrick Wei, told a fellow sailor in February 2022 that he was “being recruited for what is quite obviously (expletive) espionage.”

    Sheppard said Wei has made $10,000 to $15,000 in the past year from the arrangement. If convicted, he could face up to life in prison.

    The officer instructed Wei to hide their relationship and destroy evidence to help them cover their tracks, officials said.

    The Justice Department also charged sailor Wenheng Zhao, 26, based at Naval Base Ventura County, north of Los Angeles, with conspiring to collect nearly $15,000 in bribes from a Chinese intelligence officer in exchange for information, photos and videos of involving Navy exercises, operations and facilities between August 2021 through at least this May.

    The information included plans for a large-scale U.S. military exercise in the Indo-Pacific region, which detailed the location and timing of naval force movements. The Chinese officer told Zhao the information was needed for maritime economic research to inform investment decisions, according to the indictment.

    The Associated Press was unable to reach the federal public defender assigned to Zhao, who pleaded not guilty in Los Angeles.

    The indictment further alleges that Zhao photographed electrical diagrams and blueprints for a radar system stationed on a U.S. military base in Okinawa, Japan.

    Prosecutors say Zhao, who also went by the name Thomas Zhao, also surreptitiously recorded information that he handed over. If convicted, Zhao could face a maximum sentence of 20 years in federal prison.

 And just to show how devoted Wei was to his new country, the Daily Mail noted that "Wei’s mother encouraged him to betray the US when he went home to Wisconsin for Christmas," because his spying "would help him get a job with the Chinese Communist Party when he left the Navy."

    For the last 50 years, the United States military has enjoyed air superiority over essentially every other nation on the planet. In addition to good-ol’ American ingenuity and freedom to create, this superiority was created and is maintained by the government’s support of ongoing research and development to maintain that superiority. The research and development process for new fighter jets can take decades, as with the F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). China has always lagged significantly behind the United States in this department, but they’ve recently made major strides.

    A significant factor in China’s progress comes as a result of the 2015 acquisition of Henniges Automotive, a Michigan company whose anti-vibration (stealth) technology is used on the F-35 (stealth) fighter, by Aviation Industry Corp of China (AVIC), the state-owned entity that produces fighter jets for the Chinese military.

    Guess whose company partnered with AVIC in that acquisition? That’s right – Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, and Chris Heinz’s BHR.
Therefore, it’s unnerving to know that, among the millions of military-aged men from around the world marching across our open southern border, many are Chinese. This NBC article tries to make it sound as if the “at least 4,300 Chinese undocumented migrants” apprehended are tired, hungry, huddled masses but, if you look at the pictures, they’re military-aged men. And that’s just the ones who were caught.


  1. Same China since Bill Clinton was in office.

    1. But we can thank Bush Sr. for opening the door to exporting American manufacturing and technical know-how to China.


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