Thursday, January 10, 2019

January 10, 2019 -- A Quick Run Around the Web

"What They're Not Telling You About the Yellow Vests"--Paul Joseph Watson (7 min.). Also, check out this article from the Daily Mail: "Yellow vest protestors have destroyed or vandalised almost two thirds of all French speed cameras since their anti-government demonstrations began." They know that speed cameras have nothing to do with public safety, but are all about generating revenue.

  • Grant Cunningham's Hump Day reading list for this week.
  • "Diane Feinstein’s New Assault Weapons Ban Bill Is Worse Than Ever"--The Truth About Guns. The article goes over some of the main points in the bill. I'm not going to repeat all that but just hit some highlights. Although it has grandfathering provisions, it bans the sale or manufacture of new "assault weapons" and magazines of greater than 10 rounds. For older "assault weapons," they can only be transfered pursuant to a background check (i.e., no private transfers), and the magazines can't be transferred at all. Or, if you choose to keep such a weapon, it must be locked up for storage. The bill also seeks to ban folding or extending stocks, ban "assault pistols" over 50 oz., ban pistol braces, and bans any stock designed to allow a weapon to get around the "assault weapon" designation. 
  • "CCW & Appendix Carry: Physical Therapist's Advice"--NRA Family. First we were warned about appendix carry because you could shoot your junk off, but the author of this piece is now warning of possible damage to the lumbar spine, writing:
The appendix carry position can block hip flexion (and increase spinal flexion) by placing a rigid object across the natural fold at the pelvic girdle. Carrying closer to the 12 o’clock position, carrying a smaller pistol or mounting the holster such that the majority of the firearm resides above the belt are some ways this blocking can be minimized.  However, each of these fixes present issues—such as the 12 o’clock position binding or pinching sensitive structures, smaller pistols lacking the firepower you want in your carry gun, or a high-riding gun that can cause muzzle control issues during holstering. 
        A lot of people think this means simply pushing an oily patch down the bore. A hunting gun, used sparingly, might be fine with this treatment for some time, but you should periodically clean the barrel so that a bore light will reveal bright steel inside. If possible, start at the chamber and work in the direction that projectiles travel with a one-piece aluminum or brass cleaning rod. (Pull-through bore cleaners are great in the field, but a rod is best for a thorough cleaning.)
          “Begin with a nylon brush to break up the debris,” says Jason Flinkard, director of shooting accessories for Hoppe’s. “It should be caliber-specific for rifles and gauge-specific for shotguns. Next, use a product like No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner to clear powder and lead fouling.”
            If there is copper residue in the barrel, use a quality product like J-B Non-Embedding Bore Cleaning Compound or Hoppe’s Elite Copper Terminator until you can’t see any more copper streaks in the bore and patches come out clean. Finally, run a lightly oiled patch through the bore. Flinkard says many people over-oil patches. Hoppe’s makes pre-oiled patches to help get this right.
        It is my understanding that copper solvents can damage chrome lined barrels or chambers, so watch for that.
        • Some firearms history: "The Sterling: Britain’s Cold War Submachine Gun"--American Rifleman. This was the submachine gun that replaced the Sten submachine gun after World War II, and stayed in service until the 1990s when it was superseded by the adoption of a 5.56 mm rifle (the L85A1). Presumably, British special forces still have some on hand. Of course, this weapon served as the basis of the Imperial Stormtrooper blasters in the original Star Wars trilogy. Although the article doesn't mention it, semi-auto carbine versions have been sold at various times in several countries, including South Africa and the United States.
        • "Defending a Venezuelan Homestead: 'Eventually people will come for what you have'."--Organic Prepper. The author begins by noting that you shouldn't become dependent on complex systems for electricity or water because it will eventually break down, but spare parts may not be available. The author warns:
                 There could be a lot of people, even people you know. They will have watched what you have, or what they think you have, and sure as heck they have had time to plan, and decide. Among them, it is very likely that you could have met them in a nearby town, and even had some light chat. I know that some farms have been attacked after some intel has been collected.
                  This is not uncommon. It happens in places like Colombia all the time, where rich coffee farmers suffer kidnappings and stuff. It’s only a matter of time until Crime Inc. (Castro’s maybe?) decided to “export” their modus operandi to Venezuela.
                    Chances are that after the first successful trespassing, next time they decide to get a little more. The only possible defense against this… is numbers and silent, dangerous long distance weapons that don’t use powder and are untraceable.
                But if do stop an attacking gang, they may feel humiliated and angry, and come back another time not just seeking your stuff but also seeking revenge. He recommends getting crossbows as weapons and some thermal imaging, even if it is just an inexpensive unit to attach to your smart phone.
                          A heavy arrow has greater momentum and it is much harder to stop after it meets resistance. That can be especially important with a marginal hit or a hit that encounters bone.
                           Why then do we strive for speed by going to lighter and lighter arrows? I think because we have been convinced that speed means power and flat trajectory. Both are true to a point, but for bowhunting we need to go a step further and ask “Compared to what?” If more power means the ability to penetrate after meeting resistance, then it’s not completely true that speed produces power. If flatter trajectory means like a bullet, then it’s not true at all. The fastest hunting arrows are extremely slow compared to even the slowest bullet. These fast arrows are much slower than the speed of sound, which is 1,085 feet per second. Let the 3-D and firearms folks have speed; we bowhunters need to concentrate on momentum.
                             The good news is we can use all this modern bow technology the industry is hyping as speed and convert it to the more important task of momentum. All that’s required is that we shoot a heavier arrow. Sure, speed will go down, and yes trajectory will not be as flat. However what we give up is minor compared to what we gain in quick, humane killing power. For those of you who are shooting high-poundage bows, let’s say above 65 pounds, even the lighter arrows should have enough momentum for whitetails at reasonable distances, however heavier arrows will perform much better for you at longer distances, on marginal hits, and when you hit bone. You may also want to recalculate if you plan a hunt for moose, elk, or bear. Remember, momentum is diminishing as an arrow travels. And it diminishes much faster for light arrows than it does for heavy ones. Don’t blame me, it’s simple physics.
                      • "A QUICK AND DIRTY GUIDE TO PIRATE RADIO"--American Partisan. I read an article probably a couple years ago now that discussed how villagers in Africa were responding to attacks by guerrillas and insurgents, and one of the key strategies was simply to get the information out to villagers and farmers via small radio stations. 

                      Back before she became a politician, Elizabeth Warren co-authored a book discussing the dangers that two-income families presented to the economic well-being of American workers and how it contributed to the break down of the family unit. Tucker Carlson discusses Warren's book.
                                 Authorities in the Netherlands are reportedly investigating whether the 250 evangelical pastors who signed the Nashville Statement on biblical sexuality have violated the law after objections were raised by so-called "equality organizations."
                                  The Nashville Statement, which was released in the U.S. in 2017 in response to the rising tide of secularism and the erosion of the Christian consensus on the issues of gender, marriage, and sexuality, affirms what the Christian church has accepted throughout its 2000+ years of existence — namely that marriage is between one man and one woman and that humans, made in the image of God, were created male or female with divinely ordained differences. Not intended to be a political treatise, the Nashville Statement was intended to be an instructive document for the church and Christian ministries.
                            Although I haven't read the Nashville Statement, the description sounds similar to the LDS Proclamation on the Family, which states that "[g]ender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose," and that "God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife." The Proclamation also warns that "the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets." Part of these calamities is to be overwhelmed by foreign invaders. I believe the time will soon come where we must not just reject the teachings of the world, but will have to wipe our feet of the dust of the world.
                                    CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan said most of those needing help were ill when they arrived at the border, and some appear to have made the initial decision to leave even while ailing.
                                      “Many were ill before they departed their homes,” the commissioner said. “We’re talking about cases of pneumonia, tuberculosis, parasites. These are not things that developed urgently in a matter of days.”
                                  The decision to marry and have children has a profound impact on earnings. Though the average man makes more than the average woman, the disparity is reversed when looking at unmarried women versus unmarried men. Based on data compiled from 2,000 urban communities, one study found that the median salary for young, unmarried, childless women is about 8 percent higher than men with the same characteristics. Other cities experienced pay gaps in the double digits, sometimes reaching as high as 20 percent. Further research has shown that unmarried college-educated women between the ages of 40 and 64 earn an average of 17.5 percent more than their male peers.
                                    It can be largely attributed, says lead author Jennifer Glass, a sociologist at the University of Texas, Austin, to two national attributes: the average cost of childcare for a 2-year-old and the number of paid vacation and sick days people can take a year. In the U.S., the former is way too high and the latter way too low. "Unlike its economically developed counterparts, the U.S. has done little to offset the costs of raising children and ameliorate the incompatibility between employment and child care,'' says the study.
                                    • Related: "The 40-Year-Old Reversion"--The Awl. This 2012 article describes what happens when women (at least the author and her circle of friends and acquaintances) hit their mid-life crises:
                                              Why do moms in my generation regress, whether by drugging, cheating, or going out too late and too often? Because everything our children thrive on — stability, routine, lack of flux, love, well-paired parents — feels like death to those entrusted with their care. This is why they start drinking at wine o’clock, which is so dubbed not only because it coincides with whine o’clock but because it can begin at six p.m., or five, or even four. (Though the four o’clock mothers wind up in A.A.) I know a mom who drinks only on the weekends because she thinks it’s more responsible… but she starts with a mimosa at brunch on Saturday at eleven, and doesn’t stop until her Sunday night television shows are over.

                                        * * *
                                                 If married parents sound like they are misbehaving, they are chaste in comparison to divorced parents, the biggest Regressives of all. The divorced regressed themselves right out of their marriages and now they’re playing the field. Nothing wrong with that, except they want to tell you all about it. Divorced mothers have the sex drive of fifteen-year-old boys. They go all the way on the first date, because they still have IUDs left inside from their marriages, and then they corner you at parties to ask advice about eHarmony.

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