Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Globalism = Luciferianism

Brandon Smith at argues that the global elites are Satan worshippers in his article, "To Understand The Globalists We Must Understand Their Psychopathic Religion" (h/t Bayou Renaissance Man). He begins by observing that "[i]n the late 1800s and early 1900s the western world experienced a sudden burst of open occultism among the ultra-rich elites." Although he focuses on the Theosophy movement, the interest in the occult spread far beyond just the ultra-rich elites. You get a sense of this reading novels from the early 20th Century that frequently bring up the popularity of seances and spiritualism, with Agatha Christie's books being notable examples. (It is also remarkable, in this regard, that Harry Houdini frequently involved himself in exposing fraudulent mediums). 

    In any event, Smith discusses the Theosophists and Luciferians and then moves to the meat of his argument:

    ... But in our modern times some people might say “who cares?” It’s all mythical hoodoo and fantasy, right?

    I would respond with a question:  Do you think the deeply held religious beliefs of the people with financial and political power matter in how they make decisions?  Wouldn’t their beliefs help explain why they do the things they do?  If you want to know why the globalists are engaged in a very real war on the minds of the masses, you cannot overlook their religious motivations. What seems like fantasy to some is VERY real to the globalists.

    But why would globalists be interested in Satan worship? According to Smith, the reason is two-fold. 

    First, Luciferianism mirrors their moral (or rather, immoral) values and desires. As you might remember from your Bible, Lucifer sought to supplant God. The globalists believe that they can make themselves into gods. It is the Tower of Babel, except this time dressed up technologically as "transhumanism" and socially as reforming mankind and society. 

    Second, it provides a necessary structure or discipline: "even psychopaths sometimes need a fundamentalist framework in order to maintain organization and inspire devotion within a group."

     Smith acknowledges that he does not know if the global elites actually believe in Satan (although there are certainly enough hints--Podesta, anyone?--that at least some of them do), but he does argue that the globalist elites are literally psychopaths: bereft of a moral compass and conscience. Speaking of the globalist elites, Smith writes:

    Their lack of empathy and conscience, their thirst for godhood and omnipotence, their drive to attain all encompassing surveillance of the population, to know everything about us at all time, to have total control over the environment and society, the narcissistic self image of a supreme ruler who is worshiped by the masses, and the delusion that they will be able to read minds and predict the future. These are psychopathic fantasies, and they are willing to chase these fantasies by any means necessary.

* * *

    Their “do what thou wilt” philosophy of hedonism takes the idea of freedom and removes all responsibility – It is a degenerate view of liberty, rather than a principled view. Freedom, they think, is only for people like them; the people willing to desecrate everything in their path and upend the natural order.

 * * *

    ... Their goal is to convince a majority of the populace that there is no good, and there is no evil. Everything is empty. Everything is relative to the demands of the moment, and the demands of society. Of course, they want to control society, so then everything would really be relative to THEIR demands.

Read the whole thing, and be sure to read Peter Grant's post as well as he adds some additional thoughts on the subject. 


The Conviction of Trump And What It Means

As you all know, former President Trump was found guilty yesterday of 34 criminal charges of falsifying business records. From a procedural ...