Thursday, August 31, 2023

To Women, Size Matters

Get your mind out of the gutter! I am talking about the size of a man's bank account. From the Daily Mail, an article with the headline: "I ask men to show me their bank balance on the first date because I only want to go out with wealthy guys - I need to know if I'm wasting my time." The woman in question is Sofia Franklyn, from New York, who has hit "the wall" (i.e., she is 30) and realizing that she has reached the point in life where she needs to stop the meaningless rounds of sex and settle down. But in an example of hypergamy that is so stereotypical it almost reads like it was written by Roosh V. or Vox Day, she admits that she "only wants to date a wealthy guy that has money" and not waste time with those having more meager bank accounts. From the article:

    In the full episode, shared to YouTube, Leo clarified if Sofia was asking for their log-in details, to which she said 'yeah' and pulled up a screenshot of the bank account amount of one man she was interested in. 

    'I don't think it's weird to ask for that kind of information on a first date,' she added.

    The influencer stressed she wants to know the bank account details 'especially if they're under 5ft 10"'. 

LOL! If you're not above average, you have to pay more for the privilege of being in her presence. And, she adds:

    'I do that and, if they don't show me, I'll still go on like a second, third date but I need to know at a certain point. A lot of people think that's just crazy of me to do, I don't think it's that crazy.

    'Also, I'm 30 - I'm not really trying to just date and f**k around.'

There are images of her in the article and I have to say that from what they show, she is overvaluing herself. 

    She isn't the only gold digger mentioned in the article. It also discusses the views of a "dating coach":

    For Ella Freimann, 24, a dating coach from New York, being with someone who isn't generous with his wallet is not an option - but she insisted it's not because she's 'money hungry.'

    Instead, the 24-year-old explained that [she] believes potential suitors should always cover the entire check because she has high standards and 'knows what she brings to the table.'

    'By splitting the bill, I'm agreeing to form a connection with a man who doesn't know his role in a relationship and expects me to be 50 per cent of the man he's not,' she added.

    'I've learned that men who split the bill don't value the time and effort a woman puts into herself to look her best for that man. 

    '50/50 men don't understand that the woman's investment was made prior to the date.'

    Ella explained that it's less about the money and more about quantifying the effort that a man is willing to put in. 

    The dating coach added that by not contributing to the check, she feels like she is 'keeping her dignity intact' and 'avoiding bad experiences' with the man in the future. 

Of course, men who are just as shallow in what they wanted from a woman would be deemed "pigs" or "misogynist" or some other insulting term. 


  1. Walmart sells a toilet seat for $15 that snaps onto a five gallon bucket. It does work. I've read you can slit a pool noodle and push it on around the rim of a five gallon bucket.

    1. I think you meant this comment for the post on camping toilets. I see similar setups at a local Army-Navy store.

  2. "Show me your portfolio... boom chakalaka..." - Susan Ivanova
    Steve S6

    1. Awesome show. I hear rumors they might do a reboot.

  3. So I was a fool to pass up the boring guy with the nicer car, and settle for the smart dude who romantically gave me my engagement ring in the K-Mart parking lot, but has stuck by me for 40 years! LOL

    1. I'm sure that is what the women in the article would have said. But then, I don't see them sticking with someone for 40 years either.


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