Tuesday, November 24, 2020

#GiveThanks Day Four: Family and the Blogging Community.

Last Friday, President Nelson asked members to give thanks each day for a week in a post on social media. I've been running a day behind, so this one is for Monday. 

First, I want to give thanks for my family. Like all families, it is not smooth sailing at all times, but when something needs to be done, everyone pulls together. Yesterday evening, I was involved in a Zoom call. My house is rather small, so I participated in the Zoom meeting in our living area, and my family was very good in retreating to bedrooms or using headphones so I would not be disturbed. Even the dog and cats didn't bother me during that time!

Second, I am extremely grateful to the people in the survival, prepping, and conservative blogging communities. There are a lot of people that put their time and effort into providing a substantial amount of resources, guidance and information free of charge to the reader or viewer. Most of these people will never know me or how much I appreciate what they do, but if they come across this post someday, I just want to say: "Thank you!" Others have reached out to me and shared tips and resources, left comments, and provided an encouraging word when needed. And to these, also, a big "Thank you!" And, finally, a big "Thank you!" to my readers. God bless each and every one of you.


  1. I give thanks for your blog. Every week you go "cherry picking" on the internet and select a varied assortment of articles which are of interest to gun owning-prepper-conservative etc. folks like us. This is a real treat for me because I am just too busy these days to go chasing down all those articles on my own. I really do appreciate your efforts as you save me the time and often provide access to articles that I might never otherwise see. Again THANKS !!

    1. Reading that makes it all worth it. Thank you.

  2. I am thankful that Donald Trump is our President.

    Trump won the election. Epstein didn't kill himself.


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