
Sunday, February 11, 2024

The Farmer's Revolt Continues to Spread, Now In UK

LBC reports: "Farmers blockade Dover as food import protests that have rocked EU come to Britain." From the article:

Traffic in and around the coastal town has been severely disrupted since Friday afternoon - as farmers take to the roads in their heavy equipment to protest against Government trade deals with countries that provide cheaper produce.

The farming equipment used carried slogans "no more cheap imports", "no to [New Zealand] lamb" and has blocked the Port of Dover for several hours.

Farmer Jeffrey Gibson, from Wingham, Kent, posted on Facebook that the protest was against cheap imports as well as the Government's sustainable farming incentive (SFI) scheme.

He said: "Time has come enough is enough why are we as British farmers producing food to the highest standards in the world, only for the government to do trade deals with countries producing far cheaper food with little or no standards.

This is a win-win for the elites. Either they destroy the local farms by cheap imports and over-regulation, or they restrict the imports and drive food prices up and further immiserate the public. Either way lies the road to increased power for the bureaucracy and support for the Great Reset.

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