
Sunday, February 11, 2024

Air Force Recovered "UFO"?

 The Daily Star reports that "Mysterious black helicopters 'retrieved UFO shot down by USAF near Alaska'." The Air Force uses black helicopters. From the article:

    A UFO whistleblower claims mysterious black helicopters swooped in and retrieved a "UFO" shot down by USAF jets.

    Just under a year ago, fighter jets shot down an unidentified “cylindrical” object some 10 miles off the frozen coast of Alaska. 

    At the time pilots sent up to examine the object gave conflicting accounts of what they saw, but US President Joe Biden later told reporters that the downed object was probably a civilian-owned balloon and "most likely tied to private companies, recreation or research institutions”.

    But now a UFO whistleblower has revealed new details of the operation – sensationally claiming that Biden was concealing the truth about the operation. Australian journalist Ross Coulthart claims to have new information about the "anomalous” object from a Pentagon insider.

    "A source has just contacted me confidentially to confirm something that I first spoke about a month or two ago," he said on his Need to Know podcast. "We talked about the Alaska UAP object and I said definitively that sources of mine were telling me that the Alaska object was anomalous.

    “But I've just received this – the Pentagon tracked the Alaska object confirmed that it was a silver cylindrical UAP and not a balloon. President Joe Biden ordered the shoot-down and multiple assets were involved with the recovery. HC-130s, F-16s for cover and OGA black helicopters – that's a direct quote from somebody who has a source in the Pentagon.

The article goes into more detail about the initial reports about the incident and what the Pentagon said about the recovery attempts at the time. You may remember initial media reports of this incident as it was shot down shortly after Biden came under intense pressure for not timely dealing with the Chinese spy balloon.


  1. The only extraterrestrials I believe in are God's angels.

  2. You have the tech to fly across the galaxy and can get shot down by a primitive species? Nah.
    Steve S6

  3. I'm skeptical, too. Any being intelligent and advanced enough to engage in interstellar travel is going to be smart enough to know this is one planet to avoid...for a number of reasons.

  4. I went back and read some of the contemporaneous news reports from Feb. 2023. There were two stories of cylindrical objects shot down immediately following the firestorm over the Chinese spy balloon. There was an object tracked from Alaska and into Canada where it was shot down. It was described as cylindrical and was flying at 40,000 feet. The object off Alaska was described in a Reuters article as unmanned, about the size of a car, flying at about 40,000 feet, and could not maneuver, with some pilots reporting that it interfered with their sensors and others saying it didn't do anything. An ABC News article also described the Alaska object as cylindrical. Although most research balloons are your more typical balloon or spherical shape, I did find a patent for a high altitude cylindrical balloon--it's design was intended to reduce the amount of cutting, stitching and other steps and allow for easier mass production of such balloons (
