
Monday, July 17, 2023

VIDEO: Surviving The Coming Crisis

The Whatifalthist YouTube channel has presented many videos discussing the coming crisis: demographic collapse, wealth inequality, the rise of factions, increased numbers of unmarried young men, the collapse of the current international economic order, etc. In the video below, he shifts to discussing how to survive and maybe even prosper in the coming crisis. The video is in three main parts: (i) physical preparation (food, weapons and security); (ii) mental (spiritual and emotional); and (iii) social (relationships, accumulating marketable skills, etc.). And overarching this are two main ideas: (a) things are going to get worse (and perhaps a lot worse depending on where you live) before they get better; and (b) what you were likely raised and taught as the path to success (e.g., college, job with a big company, traditional rules of dating, etc.) are not going to work because the system is already broken. Like most of his videos, it is long, coming in at about 41 minutes, but interesting nonetheless.  

VIDEO: "How to Survive the Coming Crisis"--Whatifalthist (41 min.)

If the economic, political, and social upheaval he is describing produces the Anti-Christ, then before the new golden age begins, we will have the natural disasters described in Revelation 8. So, in that regard, here are a couple recent videos from Suspicious Observers. The first is a video explaining the two primary reasons for global warming: (1) the weakening magnetic field is allowing more solar radiation to reach the Earth; and (2) the primary global cooling mechanisms--volcanoes--have been quiescent over the past 200 years. The second video discusses the coming magnetic field reversal.

Suspicious0bservers (4 min.)

Suspicious0bservers (5 min.)


  1. It was okay (survival vid). Prolly not in my top 10.

    1. I liked the emphasis on the mental/spiritual preparations. What are your recommendations?

    2. Ack! I'd have to think, and do some digging . . . the ones I really liked were the skills vids about backcountry survival. Swedish flame logs and the like . . . that guy who built his own cabin in Alaska . . . vids about guys going out and building one-day structures in freezing temps . . .
