
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Turkey-EU Row Over Gas Exploration Escalates

I had noted a couple days ago a story about Turkish warships obstructing a gas exploration vessel working for an Italian company. Deutsche Welle reported that "Ankara came under fire this week after its warships began blocking a rig from reaching a location off the coast of Cyprus, where Italian energy company Eni is scheduled to drill for gas." Turkey's president had some strong words on the subject:
         Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday issued a warning to neighboring Greece and Cyprus as well as foreign companies not to encroach on Turkey's sovereignty.

        "Right now, our warships, air force and other security units are following developments in the region closely with the authority to make any kind of intervention if necessary," Erdogan told members of his ruling AK Party in parliament.

       "We advise the foreign companies who are conducting activities off Cyprus, relying on the Greek side, not to be an instrument to businesses that exceed their limit and power." 
(See also "Greek Cyprus should not ‘overstep mark’ in eastern Mediterranean"--Hurriyet News). According to the later article, EU Council President Donald Tusk had called on Turkey to maintain good relations with EU members. However, Italy has indicated that it will be sending a frigate to the area where the gas exploration vessel has been trying to work.

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