
Sunday, October 1, 2017

Thee Corvids -- "Jabberwocky"

Thee Corvids performing "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Caroll (~ 4 min.)

        I took my boys to the Highland Games and Celtic Festival yesterday, even though it was a little crazy fitting it between other commitments. The Festival is held annually and oriented around the games and the different Scottish clans that have branches/clubs in this area, but there there are also displays of Scottish or Celtic dancing and music and a handful of sellers of kilts, belts, and other items. One of the bands this year (and from years past) is the Thee Corvids, which is a Celtic group (the other bands in attendance this year fall more into the category of Irish pub bands). One of the pieces performed by the Thee Corvids this year (and, apparently a few years ago as well) wasn't a song, but a telling of Lewis Caroll's poem, "Jabberwocky", with music and sound effects. The sound for the video above is poor at the beginning, but gets better about a minute into the video.

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