
Sunday, October 1, 2017

October 1, 2017 -- A Quick Run Around the Web

         A man shouting 'Allahu Akbar' has stabbed two women to death with a butcher's knife before being gunned down by soldiers in Marseille. 
             The victims, aged 17 and 20, suffered horrific injuries during the 'frenzied' attack, with one slashed in the throat and the other stabbed in the chest and stomach.
               Eyewitnesses told how a man 'dressed in black' launched himself at the two women, who screamed for their lives as others ran for safety.
                   The assailant was gunned down by soldiers who were on patrol inside Saint Charles train station at the time as part of France's ongoing state of emergency.
                  The suspect, thought to be aged 25 to 30, was known to authorities for common law crimes while analysis of his fingerprints came up with several aliases.
                    The shocking moment a suspected terrorist with an Islamic State group flag mowed down a Canadian police officer in a car before getting out to stab him several times was caught on surveillance camera. 
                       Canadian police said early Sunday that an attack on an officer outside a football game and a high-speed chase of a U-Haul that left four people injured in the Western city of Edmonton, Alberta, are being investigated as acts of terrorism.
                         Edmonton Police Chief Rod Knecht said that officers have one person in custody and think he acted alone, but are not ruling out that others may be involved.
                           The chaos began outside a Canadian Football League game where the Edmonton Eskimos were hosting Winnipeg on Canadian Forces Appreciation Night on Saturday night at the Commonwealth Stadium. Police say a white Chevrolet Malibu rammed a traffic control barricade and sent an officer flying into the air 15 feet. 
                             Knecht said the driver, believed to be 30 years old, then got out and attacked the officer with a knife before fleeing on foot.
                               Surveillance footage from the scene first shows the officer standing behind a barricade when the white vehicle runs him down. The driver of the Malibu then gets out and begins attacking the officer on the ground before fleeing the scene.  
                                The officer was taken to a hospital and treated for non-life threatening injuries while a manhunt was launched for the suspect. 
                                   A few hours later, a U-Haul van was stopped at an impaired driving check stop north of downtown on Wayne Gretzky Drive. 
                                     Knecht said the name of the driver was close to the name of the registered owner of the car that hit the officer.
                                      He said the U-Haul then sped off toward downtown with police in pursuit. 
                                         Police say the U-Haul intentionally swerved at pedestrians at crosswalks throughout the chase. 
                                           Four people were injured by the van, but the extent of their injuries was not immediately known.
                                               The van eventually rolled near a downtown hotel and a suspect was arrested.
                                              They say they have had just one visit from a Department of Public Works team who came out to survey the downed power lines and gave each family enough just enough water to last a day.
                                                 'There were people running after the truck screaming and crying for more,' said Haniel Pomales, 22.
                                                  'If they hadn't come with soldiers and police officers we would have taken every last drop of water they had. We are thirsty and desperate.'
                                                   Pomales found our four days before the hurricane hit that his 21-year-old wife Jeaseely Maldonado was pregnant with their first child and he says he will do anything to protect her.
                                                      'We have been completely abandoned by our government and the US,' he went on.
                                                        ' My brother's friend is a cop, his advice was arm yourselves with whatever you can find and do what you need to do. If you had signal you could try calling the cops but they won't come.
                                                          'He said that if we shoot someone we should just leave their body in the street and they will come and pick it up in the morning.
                                                             'People are walking to the nearest Walmart and looting what they can to sell on the streets. It's easy to judge us from the safety of a hotel room in San Juan but out here that little amount of cash can keep you alive.'
                                                            “The aid is getting to Puerto Rico. The problem is distribution. The federal government has sent us a lot of help; moving those supplies, in particular, fuel, is the issue right now,” says Col. Valle. Until power can be restored, generators are critical for hospitals and shelter facilities and more. But, and it’s a big but, they can’t get the fuel to run the generators.
                                                                They have the generators, water, food, medicine, and fuel on the ground, yet the supplies are not moving across the island as quickly as they’re needed. 
                                                                “It’s a lack of drivers for the transport trucks, the 18 wheelers. Supplies we have. Trucks we have. There are ships full of supplies, backed up in the ports, waiting to have a vehicle to unload into. However, only 20% of the truck drivers show up to work. These are private citizens in Puerto Rico, paid by companies that are contracted by the government,” says Col. Valle. 
                                                                The kind of targeting the article describes is not just keeping an eye out for people on the streets, this is more organized and specific behavior that results in a published hit list of right-wing targets. In this case, “hit list” is not a metaphor. This is the list of people Antifa members plan to hit and injure if they encounter them. 
                                                                  It reminds me of the news report from a couple weeks ago of a Neo-Nazi that was tracked down and beaten by Anti-Fa.
                                                                            Notice the late sixties into the seventies is associated with an economic contraction that brought the hippie phenomenon to a close, and would ultimately give us Reagan.
                                                                              We all feel something in the air. People’s psychologies are sensing that the future is not golden. Something bad is coming, and as amygdalae light up, they begin expressing the in-grouping instinct.
                                                                                 That will probably trigger an expression of instinctual racial in-grouping specifically, but given what is coming, people may not notice it. What with the broader battle lines of savages vs citizens, Deep State globalists vs nationalists, rich vs poor, left vs right, and maybe even a world war, I suspect that people in-grouping around race, ethnicity, religion, and preferring the company of like vs other will seem mild and of little concern, if not perfectly normal.

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