Thursday, February 22, 2024

Another Leftist Lie Shot Down: Non-Binary Student NOT Beat To Death In School Lavatory

 On February 2, 2024, I made a post supportive of male students who had torn down a tampon dispenser installed in the boy's restroom at their school ("This Is The Way: Teens Rip Down Tampon Dispenser In Boys Lavatory"). One of the comments I received was an hyperbolic claim that this incident would lead directly to a trans student being beat up or murdered. So it was with some glee that person returned on February 20 to report a non-binary student had been "murdered in a bathroom" in a school, "beat to death by 3 other students" and citing to a DailyKos article which turned out to just be a propaganda piece hating on conservatives. 

    In examining other news sources that actually contained some facts, I learned that the dead teen (Nex Benedict) and a friend had been involved in an altercation with three girls. The fight was quickly broken up by a teacher. Nex Benedict was marched down to a principal's office, her mother was called and informed that Nex was suspended from school for two weeks. Nex's mother left school with her and took her to a medical clinic where she was examined and released to go home. The next day, Nex collapsed while at home and subsequently died. At the time of the comment from my anonymous reader, no autopsy had been performed, the cause of death was unknown, and no charges had been filed. In other words, at the time my anonymous commentator posted his/her comments and made his/her claims, all of his assertions were either incorrect or unknown. 

    Today, the Daily Mail reports: "Nex Benedict - non binary Oklahoma teenager - did NOT die from injuries sustained in school fight, cops say."

    Nex Benedict, the non-binary Oklahoma teenager who died after a fight at school, did not die from injuries sustained in the fight, police have said. 

    Nex, who was born Dagny, texted their family to tell them about three 'bullying' girls jumped them in a restroom on February 8. They died the next day. 

    Now, police say the 16-year-old did not die as a result of those injuries but they have not clarified the cause of death. 

    'At this time, any further comments on the cause of death are currently pending until toxicology results and other ancillary testing results are received,' police said. 

    'The official autopsy report will be available at a later date,' Owasso police said on Wednesday night. 

I also found this interesting, given the assumption from Leftists that Nex was without fault:

'I got jumped at school. 3 on 1, had to go to the ER,' Nex wrote [in text messages to relatives], adding: 'They had been bullying me and my friends and I got tired of it so I poured some water on them and all 3 came after me. School did not report to police.'

Sounds like Nex escalated a verbal confrontation into a physical one. 

    In the interim, however, the Trans community and their enablers poured out their hate for conservatives. The DailyKos article to which my anonymous commentator linked described Chaya Raichik, owner of the social media account Libs of TikTok, as "stochastic terrorist" and blamed her and other conservatives for the incident. For instance, the article states: 

    A motive for this killing has not been shared by law enforcement, but we know that schools in Oklahoma have been specifically pushing violent eliminationist rhetoric against transgender and non-binary youth— a fact exemplified by the state’s hiring of Chaya Raichik following her incitements of terror against the state’s schools over LGBTQ+ rights. The Independent interviewed Sue Benedict, the mother of Nex Benedict, and confirmed that Nex Benedict was aware of Chaya Raichik’s now-deleted tweets targeting their local pro-LGBTQ+ teacher. In fact, Benedict had greatly admired this teacher before they were forced out of the job by Raichik’s harassment, according to their mother. “Nex was very angry about it,” she told their reporter.  

    “This is the inevitable result of the anti trans moral panic,” said civil rights attorney Alejandra Caraballo, who shared an article about Benedict’s death published by the Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents Blog. “This is horrifying, and comes as lawmakers are increasingly spreading fear over trans people in bathrooms,” wrote LGBTQ+ journalist and advocate Erin Reed regarding this murder.

    Violent attacks on transgender and non-binary youth have been increasing across the nation as a legislative blitzkrieg from Republican lawmakers targets their collective rights to exist. According to a report from UCLA’s William Institute School of Law: 33% of transgender and non-binary youth in the United States have had gender-affirming healthcare key to their existence banned by their local governments. Last year, a transgender teenager named Jacob Williamson was murdered after being stabbed and cut over 30 times. Anti-LGBTQ+ hate trafficked by Raichik and others like her have real world consequences. Lives are already being lost in this climate.

Another article, this one from The Independent, had a headline that screamed: "Oklahoma banned trans students from bathrooms. Now a bullied student is dead after a fight." It also blamed conservative efforts to protect children from sexual deviancy as the cause of the fight which it claims killed Nex and, per the Leftist script, similarly focused its ire on the Libs of TikTok. I guess this is a good example of "you know you are over the target when the flak is heaviest." 

    Of course neither article mentions the Covenant School shooting or other violence or threats of violence directed against Christians by trans activists. 

    Speaking of trans violence: "A 6' tall, bearded trans basketballer arrogantly slams a young girl to the ground.... she collapses in agony. RILEY GAINES hits back: We used to call this domestic abuse - so why are we now calling it 'sport'?"--Daily Mail.

    And, of course, the brainwashing of the kids never ends: "Brooklyn elementary school gives kids Black Lives Matter coloring books teaching them 'queer affirming', 'trans affirming' and 'restorative justice' for Black History Month."--Daily Mail.

    But being trans means you never have to be sorry: "Transgender killer smirks at relative of Portland cab driver she stabbed in unprovoked attack, after progressive DA gave her plea deal - then declares she WON'T apologize because her gender identity makes her 'vulnerable'"--Daily Mail.

Update: Red State reports ("The Tragic Story of Nex Benedict Is About Far More Than the Vulture Media's Exploitative Narrative" (March 27, 2024)) that the autopsy report showed that Benedict died from an overdose of Benadryl--she would have had to consume 50 to 100 pills to reach that toxicity level. It also relates that she had a very emotionally troubled past, having been molested by her father over a period of years, suffered from various mental illnesses, engaged in self-harm, and apparently was suicidal. He father had only recently been released from prison before her suicide. Yet the media used the incident as a opportunity to attack conservatives. The Tulsa County District Attorney's Office had indicted it will not be filing any charges in relation to her death.


  1. When are they going to figure that Trans is a bridge too far?

    1. Probably about the time their souls are dragged down to Hell.


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