Thursday, August 3, 2023

VIDEO: Review of Peter Turchin's "End Times"

Turchin's book End Times appears to build on the ideas discussed in his 2016 book, Ages of Discord. The latter book looks at the impact of an overproduction of elites on social upheaval up to and including civil wars, overlaid on periods of popular immiseration. It appears that this newer (2023) books delves into the cyclical aspect of it and ways to prevent the social upheaval. The producer of the video has some interesting points that she raises in relation to Turchin's book, including how easily wealth becomes concentrated. 


  1. I'm a tenth through it, so I'll catch it after I've done my analysis.

    1. I picked up a copy (if that is the correct term for purchasing a Kindle book) after I saw this video.


Bible Chronology: Masoretic Text Versus Earlier Sources

The Old Testament in almost all modern Bibles are translations of the Masoretic Text: a copy of the Hebrew Old Testament that only dates bac...