Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Greece Experiencing The Blessings Of Diversity

As you may know, Greece has been suffering a series of devastating wild fires which are, of course, being blamed on global warming. Well, some of that global warming was recently arrested after they were caught trying to start another fire. From Greek City Times: "Fires in Greece: 13 Pakistani and Syrian migrants charged with attempted arson in Evros." The article indicates that the "migrants" were seen by an Albanian businessman who immediately took steps to stop them and detain them for police. The businessman related:

    "The place I was at is 200 meters from my business. Several improvised incendiary structures were found in the area. In the previous days, the suburbs and settlements of Alexandroupolis had been evacuated, as well as the University General Hospital. Naturally, all the residents had lost sleep and were on the alert for the fire to find us during the night.

    "At the specific point between Alexandroupoli and S. Chile, behind a supermarket chain, I spotted a group of 13 people who were around an object and were trying to set it on fire while holding a balloon that smelled of gasoline, and they also brought a knife with them.

    "I immediately called two of my fellow citizens who were at the scene, and we asked them to throw the knives and the objects they were holding in their hands. We prevented them from creating an active fire source within the urban fabric.

    "Then it would have to be ensured that they wouldn't escape and attack us until the police arrived. I immediately called 100, and in ten minutes, a police patrol car came and picked them up.

Of course, it being Europe, the businessman and the two that helped him were arrested and charged with felonies for detaining the arsonists with "Greece's Supreme Court prosecutor accus[ing] the vigilantes of 'inciting others to racist pogroms'." Apparently native Greeks were not happy to find out that their foreign invaders had been setting fires so, supposedly, there have been attacks on immigrants, and even the border police have been turning some away.


  1. Felonies, for apprehending arsonists? Wonder if they realize that means folks will eventually just shoot, shovel, and shut up.

    1. The European states take their monopoly on violence very seriously as it applies to their own citizens/subjects. They don't want any competition. Migrants? Not so much.


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