Thursday, July 25, 2019

Who cares what was the cause? Two more incidents of diversity

      Another day and a couple more articles/video from the Daily Mail on the fruits of diversity. First, we have an article that reports on "Shocking video shows the moment a vicous gang kick and punch a California couple in their own driveway after being asked to leave." Location was Stockton, California. The couple was set upon by a group of five "youths" after asking a couple females that were fighting outside their home leave. The wife was knocked to the ground and most badly beaten and kicked.

     Her husband tried to protect her but had to leave briefly to go inside and call 911 on his cellphone. When he left, they continued to beat his partner.

     He recalled: 'Next thing I know, F-bombs are dropped, they're telling me who do I think I am.
Don't disrespect the "youth." The wife was white, and the husband appears to be either white or Hispanic, probably the latter since the "youth" showed little interest in attacking him. The attackers were ... well, you can guess. No attempt by the article to even wonder as to a motivation.

      Next up, we have "Shocking moment a gang of 14 teenage boys and girls brutally beat and kick a tourist outside a famed hotel in Washington, DC." Perhaps not so shocking considering D.C.'s demographics.

Disturbing surveillance footage recorded at the entrance to the Washington Hilton Hotel at around 1am on July 14 shows the group of girls and boys believed to be around 13-14 years old attacking the man as he lies defenseless on the ground.  
 The victim appears to be an elderly white man, and the feral children are ... well, you know. Again, there is no discussion of a motive in the article. It should be, I guess, readily apparent to the reader that this was a case of polar bear hunting. The spitting on the unconscious man by several of the "youth" merely underscores the actual motive.

     Besides the obvious, there are a couple of defensive principles involved here. First, if you are in a fight, you will likely end up on the ground at some point. Second, you don't want to end up on the ground when attacked by multiple people. Get up, try and keep one of the attackers between you and the others; and, if you can't get away, focus your efforts on beating the crap out of the person that appears to be the leader.

     One of the criticisms I would aim at the husband in the first story is that he did not do enough to protect his wife, including just shoving one or two of the attackers around which was completely ineffective. Another would be why he even allowed his wife to go outside in such a volatile situation. 

     The second story illustrates the dangers of transitional spaces and packs of feral children.  I don't know why the guy was out and about at 1 a.m., but he should have been more careful simply because he was in a transitional space. And don't be P.C. -- this guy's alert level should have maxed out when he saw the group lurking outside the entry to the hotel. One thing to notice is how three of the youth moved to box the guy in, including one youth that hurriedly got in front of the man, slowed and then turned around once the attack had been initiated, in order to keep the man from getting inside the hotel.  Note also the general tactic of one person getting the victim's attention, and then another sucker punching the guy from behind.


  1. It is estimated that there are over 16 million concealed carrying Citizens in the US. Just once I would like to see punks like this attack a concealed carrier.

    1. I would too. But that is probably why these type of stories seem to mostly come from areas with strict gun control laws.


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