Tuesday, July 30, 2019

While the media was hyperventilating over the shooting in California...

... Chicago racked up 4 dead and 40 wounded in shooting incidents over this past weekend according to the Chicago Sun-Times. Of course, some of these--probably many of them--are criminals giving each other the taxpayer relief shot.

      Speaking of which, last week in Chicago, a 26-year old was killed in a drive by shooting. Nothing remarkable about that, except that the dead man, Matthew Gibson, was driving for the shooter, Jake Lee. "Prosecutors say Gibson on Sunday pulled alongside an SUV and Lee, seated in the front passenger seat, began firing at the SUV with a handgun. During the shooting, Gibson was accidentally shot in the head." Lee is facing murder charges.

     Funny enough, the same thing happened a few days earlier, on July 22, 2019. Second City Cop describes what went down:
On 22 July 2019, a 15 year old career Car Jacker/auto thief was arrested around noon in the 22nd district in a stolen vehicle which was stolen from  the south suburbs.  He was screened and given a court date and released to family in the early evening. About 90 minutes later he and 2 other teens were in a stolen newer model jeep. While  joyriding  in the jeep, a pickup pulls up next to the drivers  side where the recently released career Car Jacker was being the wheel. Guns are pointed from each car and the shooting begins. The front passenger begins firing over the driver where the recently released career Car Jacker is behind the wheel. It seems the front passenger failed to inform the driver to duck, and ends his career as a car hacker with a shot to the head.  The front passenger is shot 3 times in the back. The other teen escaped being shot.
Darwin would be pleased.

     Second City Cop referenced another site, HeyJackass!, for statistics on Chicago Crime. Sure, they have boring stuff like statistics on homicides, rapes, and so on, but they also have the important stuff. For instance, Chicago has had 80 cases of people shot in the butt so far this year, and 17 where people have been shot in the junk. Ouch!


  1. Wow - Hey Jackass! feels like the 80's movie "The Running Man" - I just imagine all of the statistics read in Richard Dawson's voice.

    1. Yes. It actually would make great questions for a Family Feud game. "On what part of the body is a person most likely to be shot? ... Give me 'the head'!"


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