
Friday, July 12, 2024

Another Fake Racism Allegation, This Time At U. of Wash.

The Daily Mail reports that a black "Muslim student 'lied that her Jewish roommate threatened her with a knife following dispute about October 7' Hamas attack in viral post." The article relates that "a campus police report concluded it 'could not establish probable cause' after a witness contradicted Hussein's account." The witness was a third roommate present at the time of the alleged incident.

    Although the Jewish roommate was forced to move out due to the University's actions and backlash from other students, the lying black Muslim student--Isha Hussein--will face no repercussions from the University per the article. 

'To my knowledge, there were no repercussions for [redacted] for making false and defamatory claims against me which resulted in my temporary loss of housing and permanent need to relocate and which caused considerable stress and strain on my academic schedule and emotional wellbeing,' the accused roommate said.

Unsurprisingly, Hussein has also alleged that the University of Washington has not protected her or taken her complaints seriously. 

    Her former Jewish roommate "speculated that Hussein may have fabricated the event in a bid to bolster her campaign to become student body president."


  1. Replies
    1. And notice that they have no shame when they get caught faking such incidents.
