
Friday, June 14, 2024

Ellifritz: "Surviving Mob Attacks On Your Vehicle"

It's summer, an election year, with two major wings of the Democratic party attacking one another: a perfect time for more riots. Will it be a repeat of the riots and protests following the overdose death of George Floyd? Don't know, but it would only take one incident reframed and spun up to start such riots.

    And with riots would come traffic being shut down by mobs on busy highways or important intersections, with the risk of being surrounded, attacked and robbed by these same "protestors". What to do if that happens?

    Greg Ellifritz has posted an article at his Active Response Training site on this very topic: "Surviving Mob Attacks on Your Vehicle." Greg notes:

John over at ASP has a couple video critiques of folks who were surrounded by protestors during the 2014 and 2020 riot seasons. I’d suggest you take a look at his video “Using Your Car To Escape a Mob“. He brings up some very good points. You can also see the longer, uncut version of the same surveillance video on YouTube.

But he also decided to address certain points not brought up in the Active Self-Protection video. Specifically, Greg discusses the following topics:

  1. Avoidance is key.
  2. You can't just run people over because they are on the road--the rules of self-defense and using lethal force still apply.
  3. The situation changes, however, once the rioters attack you or your vehicle.
  4. Doors locked and seat belt OFF.
  5. Tear gas grenades may or may not work.
  6. Carry your gun on your person, not in the car.
  7. Beware of other forms of road blocks other than masses of protestors--e.g., abandoned cars or caltrops.
  8. Long guns aren't the answer--pistols are a better choice. 
If your vehicle is attacked, Greg writes:

Don’t get out and shoot. You will quickly be overwhelmed and your gun will be taken from you. Instead, accelerate steadily and forcefully, driving away from the surrounding rioters. Steady movement is the key. Hitting folks too hard can disable your vehicle. As John suggests, use your vehicle to push people out of the way rather than striking them.

 There is a lot of good information in the article plus additional links, so be sure to check it out and read the whole thing.

See also: "Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 14, 2024"--Active Response Training. More links and tips for the armed self-defender and prepper.


  1. An unreformed Luddite, and while I do own one, I do not use a smart phone as a Life Direction And Control Tool so I am ignorant about some aspects of it, but apparently the WAZE app is popular among those who employ smart phones as pseudo-GPS driving tools. I am aware that WAZE displays *reasonably current* information about traffic slowdowns, I wonder if it also displays street demonstration information in a timely enough manner - and sufficient local detail - to be useful in avoidance of such happenings. Given the rapid metastasis of such events, I suspect not.

    1. Thanks for the info. I hadn't heard of WAZE before. I will have to check it out.
