
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Black Teen Charged With Bashing Kaylee Gain's Head Into Pavement Claims She Is The Real Victim

From the Daily Mail: "Missouri teen charged with bashing Kaylee Gain's head into pavement is the 'real victim', an honor roll student who was 'defending herself' in the brawl, family says." She dindu nuttin. From the article:

The family of the teenage girl charged with violently assaulting Kaylee Gain says that she is the real victim who was 'harassed and bullied' before the viral incident – and are raising $150k for her legal defense, can reveal.

The family of the attacker also "calls the incident 'one mistake made under duress', adding that the focus should 'be to pray for the healing and reconciliation of both parties'." If that is how the girl acts under duress, prison probably is the best place for her. 

    The Missouri AG is not buying the victim's crocodile tears:

    Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey previously warned the brutality was a result of an obsession with woke DEI policies and the soft-touch approach to justice under former St. Louis DA Kim Gardner and current Rep Cori Bush, a hardline progressive Democrat.

    He also called for the girl to be charged as an adult if Kaylee does not survive the attack, something which supporters of her attacker have lashed out at. 

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