
Thursday, February 15, 2024

We Need To Get Past The Democrats Are Stupid Attitude...

And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

--Revelation 6:13 

The MSM is all-aflutter that Russia is considering putting a nuclear weapon in space, possibly to use against other satellites. 

It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. George Friedman and Meredith Friedman published a book all the way back in 1998 entitled The Future Of War that predicted that space (including on and around the moon) would become the new frontier of war--the ultimate high ground--and warned that the United States needed to develop its military presence in space and on the moon. 

    But I doubt it was acted upon by the Clinton Administration or any subsequent Democrat administration. Athena Thorne, in her article "This May Be the Stupidest Thing Barack Obama Ever Said," reminds us that Ronald Reagan was condemned, ridiculed and mocked for his Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI, referred to by the Dems of the day and their MSM piss bucket boys as "Star Wars"), although it is the primary reason we have any sort of ballistic missile defenses. Similarly, Donald Trump was roundly abused for creating the Space Force to develop and manage space based military systems. 

    As for the title of her article, Thorne provides us with a video where Obama, in his 2008 campaign, promised to not weaponize space. Thorne goes on:

    For some reason, we are constantly told that Barack Obama is the Smartest Man Ever to Live, let alone grace us with his presence in our Oval Office. But even as those dimwitted words left his oddly blueish-hued lips (Why are they that color? Is he getting enough oxygen?) —"I will NOT weaponize space" — I knew how stupid they were. They are the epitome of liberal wishful thinking, the same asinine school of thought that wants to cripple American society with gun laws that disarm the good guys, leaving only the bad guys with weapons.

    But then, Obama is also the genius who, as a senator, disarmed Ukraine and then, as president, stood by while Russia annexed Crimea. 

    "I will NOT weaponize space." That's great, buddy. Unfortunately, everyone else will. Then what?

    The disconnect I see here--and it is something that conservatives and independents have ignored to their peril and the peril of our civilization--is that Democrats and their fellow Leftists don't do stupid things because they are stupid, but because they are evil. And not just ordinary rap you over the head and steal your wallet evil, either, but Evil with a capital "E". 

    A ruling elite does not de-industrialize their own country by exporting its industry to our putative enemies, hogtie what remains of our industry through environmental regulations that don't apply to our competitors, destroy marriage and the nuclear family by making divorce easier and mocking the institution by allowing gay marriage, promote the mental illness and mutilation of children through the religion of transgenderism, "defund" police and allow violent and serial offenders run free to rob and murder, tear down statutes of historical figures, allow rioters to burn and loot unimpeded, promote hatred against whites and men and Christians, take guns away from law abiding citizens, replace the root ethnic stock of the country through the invasion of the country by tens of millions of legal and illegal immigrants, lock down a country for nearly two years destroying its economy and isolating its children ... all of this and more ... because they are stupid. They do it because they are Evil. 

    You react differently to someone you think is stupid versus someone you think is evil. Your arguments are different when you are dealing with positions advanced by someone you think is stupid versus someone you think is evil. So don't continue to think of the Left as simply being stupid.


  1. They rationally go about their business because their goal is to destroy it all. Really.

  2. RE: Space Nukes - very successful space weapons do not have to be nuclear because Earth Has Gravity. A half-ton of GPS-guided aerodynamically designed tungsten can gain a lot of energy from 100 miles up. We used the hollow shells of 2,000 pound bombs filled with concrete in Iraq to great effect, and that was only from 5-10,000 feet.

    1. True for striking ground targets. If I remember correctly, tests using a bomber variant of the SR71 showed that they only needed solid bombs--not explosives--to destroy a runway when dropped at speed. But if used in space, the radiation from a nuclear explosion would degrade or destroy satellites not hardened against the radiation (

  3. I've wondered about that; chemical explosives (the stuff that converts chemical energy potential into BANG upon activation of the oxidation procedure) can be directed, and the effect controlled, by design of the charges to form an "explosion lens." There are groups of satellites in geosynchronous orbit - ~24,000 miles up - but the multitude of satellites are in "low earth orbit" - <~400 miles up. Theoretically, 3 geosync satellites could cover the planet's surface, although geosynch systems use quite a few more, so - again, theoretically - < 4 satellites could achieve an EMP Kill against, what, 80-95% of LEO satellites?

    Thing is, some of those satellites belong to the entity supposedly interested in killing satellites, so unless they've been hardening their sat systems for years, or have the means to rapidly replace what among their own stuff they destroy, or have developed parallel systems not satellite dependent, this seems somewhat of a stretch. And, so far, the Russkis haven't demonstrated the ability to "mass repopulate" stuff in orbit.

    Along the same lines, it would seem prudent for the US to establish some sort of contractual relationship with SpaceX for rapid satellite replacement; SpaceX just did 3 launches within 23 hours so that capability exists, and there's probably a warehouse full of Starlink birds waiting for launches. I seriously doubt, however, that anyone in the U.S. government has enough IQ points to even consider that, much less do it.

    1. More and more the Russian space nuke appears to have been concocted to help the intelligence agencies keep their authority to spy on Americans:
