
Wednesday, February 7, 2024

VIDEO: Massad Ayoob Urges Giving Brief Statement To Police After Defensive Shooting

Somewhere between a stream of conscious flow of words and saying nothing to police is the concept of giving a brief statement. Ayoob notes that you can't just absolutely nothing: you have to at least identify yourself and say why you were where you were. But he believes a brief statement can be the difference between being arrested and investigated for murder and no arrest and no charge being filed. 

    Ayoob had cited to the Armed Attorneys to support his argument, who then turned around and released a video (further below) clarifying their position. They recommend not giving a detailed statement (i.e., one with specific details or spilling your guts) to the police; and if you do give a brief statement that it be very short--no more than one sentence. Their basic position, though, is that you are better not talking to the police rather than inadvertently saying too much. There is more nuance to this, so watch their video. 

Armed Attorneys (15 min.)

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