
Monday, February 5, 2024

VIDEO: Humans vs. Monsters

An interesting look at the theory that Neanderthal were orc-like and preyed on early human populations in the Levant. I had previously written about this topic in my post, "'When Orcs Were Real'--A Look At Danny Vendramini's Theory of Neanderthal Predation."

The Why Files (46 min.)


  1. he lost me when he said the first humans weren't homo sapiens. God said: "let us make man in our image." Nuff said.

    1. Yes. He should have used the term "hominid" which is the correct term anyway.

  2. LOL, can't penetrate the skin with arrow heads, plus the eyes, dude needs to put the pipe down.

    1. I checked and that point--about the skin being impenetrable to arrow heads--is not in Vendramini's book. Vendramini instead argues that it was the development of small flint heads for arrows that gave humans a decisive advantage over the Neanderthal because they could penetrate so deeply. I wonder if the video's producer confused the issue with Daniel Boone's encounter with a "bigfoot" which seemed resistant to the shots from his rifle.
