
Monday, February 19, 2024

The El Agar Culture Of Bronze Age Spain

 Author Dan Davis has produced a long series of videos on the various Bronze Age cultures. The latest is on the El Agar Culture that was located in southeastern Spain from around 2200 to 1550 B.C. This appears to be another area overwhelmed by what appears to be a less than peaceful migration of peoples out of Eastern and Central Europe that killed off all the native male population (or castrated them) as DNA studies of the remains of the people after the invasion show that there are no descendants of the original male population. Something for Westerners to keep in mind as hordes of invaders flood across the southern border of the United States and flow into Europe from Africa and the Middle-East. The conceit of the Elites is that they believe that they will be able to not only survive the Great Replacement but also remain in charge. 

VIDEO: "Bronze Age Kings of Spain: The El Argar Culture"
Dan Davis History (24 min.)

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