
Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Cost Of Illegal Immigration

From Newsweek, "How Much Do Illegal Immigrants Cost the U.S.?" The article indicates that after subtracting out taxes collected from illegal aliens, they still cost taxpayers $150.7 billion per year. An excerpt:

    The FAIR study, released in March last year, documented the financial toll of illegal immigration on the U.S., taking into account factors like emergency medical care, incarcerating illegal aliens in local jails, and federal budgets that pay out billions in welfare every year, pegging the net annual cost at $150.7 billion.

    Arriving at the figure by subtracting the estimated $32 billion of tax contributions made by illegal immigrants, FAIR said the economic impact would have otherwise been $182 billion. In 2017, the U.S. spent roughly $116 billion on illegal immigration, suggesting that the problem is a growing one.

    To contextualize the number, the $150.7 billion spent on illegal immigration last year is more than the total gross domestic product (GDP) of Mississippi ($146.7 billion in 2023), New Mexico ($131.5 billion), Idaho ($119.8 billion), and is more than the GDP's Wyoming and Vermont combined, at $50.74 billion and $43.38 billion, respectively.

    With illegal immigration now costing $150.7 billion annually, the burden inevitably trickles down to the taxpayer. Individually, the FAIR study found that each illegal alien or their U.S.-born child costs the U.S. $8,776 annually.

    Of the $8,776, each American taxpayer is paying roughly $1,156 per year, FAIR found, or about $957 each after factoring in the taxes paid by illegal aliens.

The article also relates that "Since the inauguration of President Biden on January 20, 2021, over 3.3 million illegal immigrants have been released into the U.S."

    The report issued by the Committee on the Judiciary and Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement said that starting from Biden's inauguration, nearly 6 million illegal alien encounters occurred, with the 3.3 million individuals mentioned earlier having no confirmed departure from the U.S. as of September 30 of last year.

    Additionally, the report details the presence of over 617,607 non-detained aliens with criminal records within U.S. communities, pointing to a concerning trend in immigration enforcement and the release policies under the current administration.

    The figure marks a sharp increase in just six months, the committee said, and does not account for the record encounters from October to December at the southwest border that has caused tension between Texas Governor Greg Abbott and the Biden administration.

Since the forgoing is based on actual encounters between border patrol and illegals, it would probably be safe to assume that at least an equal number entered without their knowledge. And all of them are being brainwashed to hate white Americans. 


  1. There are non-tax costs attributable to illegals, too, including higher automobile insurance costs due to illegals driving without insurance, higher merchandise costs in stores to cover theft losses, and degrading quality of life issues.

    1. Plenty of American Citizens causing those same problems...and we all know who those people are.
