
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Farmers Protesting In Greece

The Greek Reporter states: "Angry Farmers Blockade Roads in Greece Demanding Compensation, Aid." The difference, at least from I've seen in the reporting, is that the farmers protesting elsewhere just want a level playing field and to be let alone to do their farming, while the Greek farmers are seeking free stuff from the government. From the article:

    Farmers in Greece have been blockading many roads throughout the country in the last weeks demanding state assistance to combat rising production costs.

    Roadblocks have been set up on many roads and highways in Macedonia and Thessaly, while the main Athens-Thessaloniki highway has been blocked at Malgara.

    Farmers have also continued their protests at the city centers of Larisa and Karditsa, symbolically placing hay bales and emptying milk on the streets while holding banners and flares and chanting slogans.

Farmers’ demands in Greece

    The farmers’ demands include duty-free agricultural diesel, reduced electricity costs, subsidies on supplies and animal feed, renegotiation of the EU’s new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), full compensation for lost income, and cessation of the labeling of non-Greek produce as Greek.

    Many of their demands mirror similar protests that have been gripping Europe for weeks now. But in Greece, farmers want also the government to deliver on promises made months ago: compensation for thousands of crops and livestock destroyed in deadly floods and rainstorms that battered the farming heartland in September.

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