
Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Diversity Is A Strength: Illegal Migrants From Egypt Gangrape 13-Year Old Girl In Italy

From the Daily Mail: "The gang-rape horror that has reignited Italy's immigration row: Degrading attack on 13-year-old 'by youths who illegally entered the country as minors' has poured fuel on the flames of a migrant crisis." Altruism in all its glory. The article relates:

    'I beg you, I beg you, don't hurt me... Please let me go.' 

    Those were the words uttered by a helpless 13-year-old girl as she was allegedly dragged into a public bathroom by a group of Egyptian migrants in Catania on the Italian island of Sicily last week. 

    Her pleas were ignored.  

    Instead, she claims two of the migrants - both minors - brutally raped her for half an hour while the rest of the gang allegedly restrained her desperate boyfriend and forced him to watch the horror unfold. 

    All seven of the suspects arrived in Italy as illegal migrants by boat, but were granted temporary residency as Italian law does not permit the expulsion of minors.  

In a civilized society, those illegals would have already been beheaded, their bodies displayed in gibbets as a warning to all other illegal aliens. And as many others have said before me, sink the damn boats already. It's an invasion and Italy needs to treat it as such. 

According to a report from public broadcaster SVT, at least four of the explosions are believed to be tied to the ongoing internal conflicts within the Foxtrot gang of notorious Iranian-born criminal Rawa Majid, known as the “Kurdish Fox”, who is currently believed to running the gang in Sweden from a hideout in Turkey.


  1. We are not a civilized society. Our governments are actively aiding and abetting the illegal "migrants", and any citizens harmed by the "migrants" are mere collateral damage. We are far past the point were there might have been an easy solution.

  2. Where is the instinct to protect their (and our!) young???

  3. None of this will end until the West develops a spine. Any self respecting nation would have them all drawn and quartered at high noon on live TV. And would have added any of the politicians that voted to allow them in to the execution list.
