
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Cultural Enrichment and Diversity in Kansas City (Updated)

By now you have all heard of the shooting at a Kansas City Chief rally that left 1 dead and 21 wounded. Normally a shooting of this magnitude would largely pass unnoticed outside of the local Kansas City media, except this time it was at a rally celebrating the Chief's win at the Super Bowl and some very important people were in attendance including the mayor of Kansas City, the governor of Missouri, and, strangely, the governor of Kansas. But they're okay because (a) they weren't the targets of the violence and (b) their armed security teams quickly whisked them away.

    The police have arrested three suspects although, according to USA Today, "detectives are investigating whether one person was among a group of bystanders who assisted police and possibly tackled an assailant." Strangely, not much is being said about the suspects: no names, no pictures, nothing. A local ABC affiliate--KMBC9--has a video from a bystander as police restrain and cuff one of the suspects, however. Not surprisingly, he looks like he could have been Obama's son. 

    But rather than than discuss the out-of-control violence among black males, the media is, of course, focusing on firearms. Brian Armstrong writes at The Truth About Guns:

    The left is already pushing for more gun control even before the release of information on the shooter or possibly shooters at the Super Bowl Parade.

    Authorities reported they caught three men, one person died, and over twenty others were injured. They haven’t said anything about who they have in custody or confirmed that they were the shooters. Two bystanders tackled one alleged shooter as he was running away.

    It may be a red state, but it’s a blue city, and only four Republicans have served as mayor in the past 100 years. Kansas City ranks in the top 10 most violent cities in the US, and it has a crime rate that’s 166% higher than the national average.

    Anti-gun groups like Giffords and Everytown wasted no time and, within an hour, were already screaming for more gun control. Their reason is always the same, and they say, “It’s the guns.”

Except its not the guns. Idaho is awash in guns and has a murder rate that would make a European nation jealous. It's the people using the guns to commit violence that are the problem.  Anyway, Armstrong concludes:

It was a lot easier to get guns 50 years ago, and there were virtually zero mass shootings. What has changed are the consequences or lack of consequences for committing crimes. Instead of adding more gun laws, let’s start by enforcing what’s on the books now.

But we can't do that because it would be racist. 

Update: Confirmed--three black teens arrested for shooting


  1. It's the criminals. Check Swiss gun crime stats . . .

    1. Or look at what has happened with violent crime in Sweden since they started importing Africans and Middle-Easterners. Although I feel a certain schadenfreude given Sweden's support for the terrorists that fought against Rhodesia and their leading role in establishing the trade sanctions imposed against Rhodesia and South Africa.
