
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Cultural Enrichment and Diversity In Houston

By now you have all heard about the shooting at the Houston-based Lakewood Church this past Sunday. The shooter was killed by the church's security team. The shooter had dragged her 2-year old child along with her, presumably to act as a human shield, and it is my understanding that the child was injured in the gunfire and may not survive. It is also my understanding that another person was injured--shot in the leg. 

    So, what do we know about the shooter? Well, it appears to be another tranny. Town Hall relates that the shooter was "36-year-old Genesse Ivonne Moreno, a biological female who used multiple male aliases," and "[i]n the past, Moreno assumed the alter-ego Jeffery Escalante as well as other male-presenting personas." 

    She is an immigrant from El Salvador. Given she'd had an ICE hold on her once, I assume she was here illegally. 

    She has a history of violence and criminal behavior:

Moreno had a violent, extensive criminal history stretching back to 2005, according to court records reviewed by Townhall. She was previously arrested for assaulting a public servant, assault causing bodily injury, forgery, theft for stealing cosmetics from a store, evading police, and unlawfully carrying a weapon, among a slew of charges on Moreno's decades-old rap sheet.

    According to police, she had a history of mental health issues. In this regard, the article also mentions:

In the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, Moreno supported socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). "I WANT HIM IN THE OFFICE AS THE US PRESIDENT," she wrote in an Instagram post, uploading a photograph of Sanders on the campaign trail.

    Strangely, considering that she attacked a Christian church, she used an AR-15 for the shooting with a sticker stating "Palestine" on the buttstock, and "Authorities have also uncovered 'antisemitic writings' in Moreno's possession." 

Hassig said police believe there was "a familial dispute" that took place between her and her ex-husband's family. "Some of those individuals are Jewish. So, we believe that might possibly be where all of this stems from," Hassig stated.

In that regard, Moreno's mother was a member of the church's congregation.

    So what we have is the Democrats' ideal American: a POC illegal immigrant who votes, is biologically female but identified as a male, socialist, pro-Palestinian, mentally ill, with a criminal background and who apparently illegally purchased weapons to use to kill Christians. 

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