
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

A Society Of Liliths

Lilith (sometimes translated as "night monster", "night hag", "night bird" or "screech owl" in the Bible) was according to Jewish mythology the first wife of Adam. She was proud and rebellious with a strong sex drive and no interest in bearing children. Consequently, as the legends go, she was cast out of the Garden of Eden and God made a second woman (Eve) that would be a help "meet" (that is, suitable) for Adam. Lilith became a hideous monster that roams the desert at night having consort with other demons and killing children at childbirth and stealing children. In other words, Lilith became the world's first feminist. It is no accident that the premier Jewish-feminist magazine is titled Lilith.

    John Wilder has a new post discussing feminism and its destructive influence entitled "Feminism: The God That Destroys." He begins by noting that:

    The GloboLeftist use of power can be objectively observed to be feminine.  To put it bluntly, GloboLeftism is feminism.  One way this is especially apparent is the tactics that the GloboLeft uses – it uses the tactics of gossip, the swarm, and ostracization of those that it deems unworthy.

    If you look carefully at how the GloboLeft attacks, it follows that pattern.  Gossip against an enemy, a swarm against that enemy, and finally the ostracization of that enemy.  ...

It seems that a lot of men in power in politics, industry and finance also seem to act that way. Maybe it is why they get along so well with women. 

    Anyway, getting back to John's post, he notes that women use these tactics against other women in a group and it is readily apparent when you watch groups of women interacting. He continues:

    Back in the day, the worst case for a woman was to be shunned and shamed and denied resources.  Being denied resources meant (in many cases) death for the woman, and her children if she had them.  This is the core feminine fear, and is the basis for society today.

    This was why, of all the crazy things developed by the commies, that feminism was the worst, because it preys upon a core fear.  The result is that feminists have done everything that they can possibly figure out to remove any consequences for their action as feminism took hold.  

He goes on to discuss how we see this drive to remove any consequence show up over and over in things ranging from divorce and family law, to welfare, and loss of sexual mores. And it is destroying society.

    Read the whole thing.