
Thursday, January 11, 2024

Ray Epps--The Only Protestor To Order People Into The Capital--Gets One Year Probation.

From Hot Air: "Woof - a Year Probation and They're Still Saying Ray Epps Wasn't a Fed?" Quoting from a Daily Mail article:

    Ray Epps, the January 6 protestor who was famously caught on video instructing people to go into the Capitol building, has been sentenced to one year of probation.

    His sentence will also include a $500 restitution payment, and 100 hours of community service.

    Epps’ sentence seems to be comparatively light in relation to those received by other January 6 defendants, who have on average received several years in prison as punishment.

"Comparatively light" seems an understatement. January 6 was supposed to be their Reichstag Fire moment and Epps was at the center of it. The Hot Air article continues:

Gosh, I don’t know why anyone thought the big man with the big mouth who seemed to be everywhere exhorting people to go to the capitol and do questionable things was a federal plant. Even though the Trump supporters around him the night before and near the capitol all seemed to eye him with suspicion for the actions he was suggesting, if they weren’t directly calling him out, and warning others to stay clear of him. 

The article goes on to note how the MSM and Democrats have been running cover for Epps. Read the whole thing. Meanwhile, in other news: "DC US Attorney Matthew Graves Says DOJ is Now Going to Target THOUSANDS of Americans Who Were Around the Capitol on Jan 6 – But Did Not Enter the Building"--Gateway Pundit.

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