
Saturday, November 11, 2023

Some Videos On China's Economy

First up, China Uncensored notes that as its real estate sector sags, the Chinese government has been directing money toward industries and technologies that would be vital to a wartime economy. The question is whether this is to boost the economy or because it is actually preparing for war. Notwithstanding the headline, it does not appear that China has made any drastic changes to its economy suggesting an imminent war; rather, this appears to be part of long time preparations to decouple from the West in the event of a war.

China Uncensored (7 min.)

Next is a video that argues that we have seen peak China because of its dependence on real estate development and public works projects to grow its economy which simply aren't sustainable. The video is not arguing that China is collapsing, but that period of massive economic growth year after year is over and even may begin to shrink:

PolyMatter (15 min.)

Finally, Economics Explained also addresses China's brewing problems with massive debt, deflation, and population decline:

Economics Explained (17 min.)

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