
Friday, June 23, 2023

Some Recent Roundups Of Gun Articles ...

 ... from Greg Ellifritz of Active Response Training (June 16, 2023) (June 23, 2023); and, from Jon Low at Defensive Pistolcraft (June 5, 2023) (June 16, 2023).

    Also a reminder from Jon Low:

In America, you get as much justice as you can afford.  You must have a powerful politically connected attorney from an established firm with deep connections in the legal community.  You want all charges dismissed.  You don't want a trial.  Do you have the ability to generate the hundreds of thousands of dollars for legal fees when the need arises?  If not, you must have an insurance policy.  

If you don't believe his comments about getting as much justice as you can afford and a politically connected attorney, go review the recent news articles of Hunter Biden's treatment by the DOJ for firearms violations and influence peddling and think of how it would have been different for you.

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