
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

History: "One American vs. 250 Germans"

 An interesting video about Audie Murphy. Although it goes over his background and impressive military record prior to January 1945, the focus is on his exploits on 26th January 1945 in the Colmar Pocket where, when his unit came under fire, he ordered his men to fall back to a safer position while he alternately called in artillery fire and used a .50 Browning machine gun to hold off a force of 250 Germans. His exploits in this battel earned him the Medal of Honor. Murphy went on to a successful Hollywood career after the war (including a film in which he played himself), but was tragically killed in an airplane crash in 1971.

Battle Guide (19 min.)


  1. The epitome of the WWII American soldier.

  2. The Mrs. listened to that, and it's amazing how dusty the room was afterwards.
