
Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Meme of the Day: The Refugee And The Hen House


Source: Bayou Renaissance Man

Funny enough, Peter Grant at Bayou Renaissance Man gives us the story to go with this meme as well. Grant has a post, "Re-learning a hard lesson on safety and security from Buffalo, NY," about the looting that has occurred in Buffalo, New York, under the cover of the recent winter storm/blizzard. The video and photographs I've seen of actual looters suggests that most of this is being done by elements of the black population, but there also appear to be a few Hispanics. As Grant observes in his post:

    ... When law and order is deliberately downplayed, hamstrung, ignored . . . then the low-lifes come out to play.  Snow was a factor in Buffalo, but it's far from the only one.  Heat, power outages, failure of the EBT benefit system, and a host of other factors might all, jointly or severally, provoke such an outbreak of crime.  Groups such as Black Lives Matter, or Antifa, or others might also deliberately orchestrate such events, to demonstrate that the city administration has to negotiate with them, or else.  (Personally, I think the "or else" option is greatly undervalued, and that salutary lessons need to be administered to such groups and their followers:  but not everyone sees it that way.)

    What's even worse is that the flood of illegal aliens crossing our borders almost unchecked is merely adding to the problem.  Most of them come from countries where this sort of thing is rampant.  Do your own research into criminal and gang activity in South America, where most of these illegal aliens come from.  They're bringing those attitudes across our borders, and I'm willing to bet they'll act on them as soon as they realize the welfare money is finite, and they (legally, at least) don't qualify for many of our generous entitlement programs.